thetinatang's reviews
172 reviews

Paper Towns by John Green

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"But there she is, and I am watching her through the Plexiglass, and she looks like Margo Roth Spiegelman, this girl I have known since I was two - this girl who was an idea that I loved.

And it is only now, when she closes her notebook and places it inside a backpack next to her and then stands up and walks toward us,that I realize that the idea is not only wrong but dangerous. What a treacherous thing it is to believe that a person is more than a person. "

I've read a few other novels by Green, but I can say that this wasn't my favorite. The entire bulk of the novel seems to be somewhat a non-necessity compared to the ending, which was too easy. ... in my opinion.
Twenty-Eight and a Half Wishes by Denise Grover Swank

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I had great hopes for this book because it sounded like a good premise, but sadly I couldn't get past the second chapter.

There are other words to describe ones anger and upset than by using the word contrite. I stopped after the third time in one chapter.

I usually like when writers use regional dialect in dialogue, but the usage of a "Southern" dialect wasn't accurate or even believable.

I could go on about more things that bothered me about this... but I won't.
Flutter by Amanda Hocking

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And I quote... We were in the shadows thanks to the cover of trees, so at least that was something. Looking around, though, everything appeared the same as everything.

best description in a novel I've read in a long time...

I had to stop there. I can't continue reading this garbage. if I could leave a rating of less than one star, I would.