thewarmvoid's reviews
40 reviews

Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin

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It's one thing for a book to be beautifully written, to draw you in with intense descriptive language that allows you to feel immersed in the story – It’s an entirely different game when you’re reading material that exemplifies this so much that it feels like every paragraph skimmed is another knife in your gut, the page turns a vicious twist inside of your bowels. Manhunt is a heart melting and heart stopping nightmare that I both couldn’t stop wishing would end while becoming ravenous for more. Any fan of wildly expressive, explicit, vulnerable, vividly gory romantic tales of terror that confront the truth and lies and honest filth of our reality is going to have an incredible time devouring Felker-Martin’s words. This book is not for those with weak stomachs, though I implore you to try it anyways. Manhunt is a piece of literature I will forever remember as a fundamental text to understanding the way I feel about so many things I hold so close to me as well as some of the most moving and effectively written sex and body horror/gore I’ve been able to sniff out. It somehow manages to feel like both a warm embrace from all your loved ones at once, and the devastating reality that they’ll all be gone someday. What a disgustingly brutal gift that’s been given to us all.