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1098 reviews

Merciless by Willow Winters, W. Winters

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This story follows Aria who is stolen by Carter and tried to get her to fall in love with him. I’m all for a mafia romance book but I have to say that this book kind of laid flat for me. I have to say that there wasn’t much of a strong storyline in this book. The whole time it was just Carter persuading Aria to get on her knees of him. The pacing is very fast and this book is short so it’s an easy book to finish. This book is told from dual povs of both Aria and Carter. 
Aria is taken to Carter’s prison cell and she is told to surrender. I was hoping for Aria to be strong but I have to say that she was a weak character and didn’t show much development at all. I was hoping she would learn to fight or something in that area. Then we have Carter and usually I like my mafia men but he’s a very cruel man. I don’t understand his obsession with Aria and I don’t think we will find out much until the next book. There are some side characters in this book but none who played major roles for their positions. The romance is very spicy and is a dominant / sub romance which is very dark so I recommend reading trigger warnings. 
The ending ended with a cliffhanger and I would most likely be reading the next book just to find out what happens next. I do have to say that I’m a bit disappointed of this mafia story but I guess everyone’s perspective of the mafia is different. 
*this book was sent from Verve Romance to give an honest review in return* 
The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren

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This follows a story where two people get married for their own benefit and divorced but Anna is struggling with her job and West needs a wife. I have read Christina Lauren books in the past but I have to say that this one was my favorite. I loved the storyline and follow the povs of these two fun characters. This author duo did such an amazing job describing the scenery and including so many fun conflicts. The story also had funny moments, learning experiences and amazing chemistry. The pacing was well done and I really enjoyed reading both Anna and West’s pov. 
Anna is an artist who is looking to become big time in order to provide for her dad. I really enjoyed her character because she was quirky, fun, and normal. Then we have West aka Liam who is a billionaire son that wants to live a normal life. I really enjoyed his character as he showcased the bad sides of the rich world and how he wants to be away from it. There were many side characters in this book but there were none that I really enjoyed except for Anna’s best friend who we don’t get a much of. Now the romance in this book is a marriage of convenience, friends to lovers, and one bed. I really loved the romance aspect of this book because the romance slowly built and there was so much chemistry between the couple that it was so cute. There were minor steamy scenes but nothing explicit. 
The ending was well done and we get a cute epilogue of the MCs. I really loved this book and had such a fun time reading it. It’s perfect for this summertime season. 
*this arc was sent to me by the publisher to give an honest review in return* 
Love, Naturally by Sophie Sullivan

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This story follows Presley who had a trip planned with her boyfriend but is dumped and decides to go on that trip herself where she meets a guy. I’ve read Sullivan’s books in the past and enjoyed them. This one was also well-written and I liked the small-town setting of Lake Michigan. The pacing was well done and I liked the cute story this book had to offer. I do wish there were more conflicts in the story as it did feel like a basic story most of the time. This story is told from both Beckett and Presley’s pov. 
Beckett is helping out at the lodge and decides to help Presley by offering is place. I really enjoyed his character and liked how caring of a person he was. I do wish we got to see more of him and his development. Then there is Presley who is proving that she can go on this trip without her ex and finds love again. I loved her character and seeing her development throughout the book. There are many side characters in this book and I really loved how caring they were of Presley. The romance is friends to lovers and instant love which was cute and well done. 
The ending was a HEA and very normal for the story. The book was great but I do have to say that there weren’t big conflicts or events that made the story remembering. I did enjoy it and would say it’s a good beach read but if I’m looking for a cute romance, this wouldn’t be it as there’s not much going on. 
*this e-arc was sent to me by the publisher to give an honest review in return* 
To a Darker Shore by Leanne Schwartz

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This story follows a teen girl who goes on a journey to save her best friend. This is a cute romance book set in a fun fantasy world. Schwartz had a wonderful story laid out for this book and promised just that. I do have to say that the pacing for this book was fast so it does take a bit of time to get used to. If it was a bit slower, it would have been better to experience the world. The world was great and I enjoyed the conflicts. The story did feel a bit like fan fiction but I think that might be the text format of the arc. The characters were fun and I really enjoyed the representation in this book. The romance is LGBTQ which was cute and well-written. I recommend checking this out if you are looking for a fun adventure featuring representation. 
*this arc was sent to me by the publisher to give an honest review in return* 

Shattered Vows by P. Rayne

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This story follows the next Voss brother who takes the woman who leaves him at the alter. This is the next book in the series but could be read as a standalone. I love P. Rayne’s billionaire romance and enjoyed the first book in the series. I was excited to see what happens next in this book and the author duo did a great job bringing a dark billionaire romance to life. Due note that there are some dark themes so do read TWs. The storyline was good for the most part but I do have to say that I felt the message behind the FMC was lost. I liked the new conflict in this book and the twist towards the end to keep the story entertaining. The pacing was great and I finished this book fairly quickly. This book is told from both Kol and Rapsody’s pov. 
Rhapsody has been living a life where she’s controlled by her mother but is then taken by Kol. She does develop in the story but I felt that it was taken in the wrong way as she begins to develop more of her sex life than her person life. I still loved her character and enjoyed reading about her. Then we have Kol who’s been in the military and was betrayed by Rhapsody. I liked his character too but I wish we got more of his background and not walk around the eggshell. There are many side characters in this book with most coming back from the previous novel and more. The romance was well done which was steamy and included second chance and forced proximity. 
The ending was well done and there was an action plot. The couple do live a HEA and we get a minor cliffhanger about the next brother. I’m excited to see where the authors are headed with the next Voss brother and can’t wait to check out the book. I recommend reading this series but again do read the TWs! 
*this e-arc was sent to me by the publisher to give an honest review in return* 
When We Lied by Claire Contreras

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This story takes place in the same world as Until I Get You but follows Finn and who loses his sister and is trying to figure out what happened believing Josslyn has something to do with it. I loved Until I Get You and was excited to read this one. I have to say that Contreras did not disappoint and I really loved every single bit of this book. This story was well written and I loved how the mystery and the romance was such a perfect balance in this book. The pacing was great and I loved the conflicts throughout this story. There’s so much love and betrayal that will make you want more. This story is told from both Finn and Joss’s pov. 
Joss is a basketball player and influencer who doesn’t remember what happened the night Mallory died. I really enjoyed her character especially as she deals with mental health and seeing her go with her life with it. The author doesn’t make it disappear which I really liked so it felt natural. Then we have Finn who is obsessed with Joss but doesn’t believe in love. I was obsessed with him and loved how much he cared for Joss. He’s such an amazing guy but also broody and grumpy. There are also amazing side characters in this book and we get a feature of our favorite character from the other book. The romance is one-night stand, he falls first, and grumpy x sunshine with some spicy scenes. 
The ending was well done for this book and I really loved how this story ended. The last part of the book was not what I was expecting which I loved. This book was amazing and I loved every single page of it. I recommend checking this book out because you don’t want to miss out. 
*this e-arc was sent to me by the publisher to give an honest review in return* 
Hearts Still Beating by Brooke Archer

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This story is perfect for those who love The Last of Us, The Walking Dead, and The 100. This story follows two teen girls who love each other but one is affected by the virus. I really enjoyed this storyline and the introduction the author made for this story. I was hooked from the beginning of the book and loved the conflicts in the story. I do have to say that the world was a bit confusing at first but you begin to understand it more. The word Ticks was often used which kind of became way too redundant and annoying. I liked the positive message of this book and seeing a different life of a “world ending” situation. This book is told from dual povs of both Mara and Rory. 
Mara is affected by the virus and is now an experiment. I enjoyed her character and being able to get the prospective of the “monster”. She didn’t have much of character development but I still liked her character. Then there is Rory who is trying to survive in this new world and notices her crush is back. I liked her character a lot more than Mara and enjoyed her storyline. There are also side characters in this book and most of them I enjoyed especially as they were very involved with the story. The romance is LGBTQ featuring the second chance trope. The romance could have been better from my perspective but it’s what we got. 
The ending was good but not the best. It was fine for the story. Overall this was a great read which I recommend reading if you are looking for a dystopian romance that includes a sapphic couple. 
*this book was sent to me by the publisher to give an honest review in return* 
Cancelled by Farrah Penn

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This story follows a young girl who is canceled but is trying to figure out who’s behind of it all. I really enjoyed Penn’s writing style for this book and the message behind the story. The book was well written and really captures today’s time of high school. There’s a lot of representation and learning moments throughout this book which is is good for young readers. There’s a bit of light romance in this book but it’s not the main focus of the story. The MC is well written and I really enjoyed her story of making new friends and overcoming tough times. I do have to say that this book felt very gen z to me which I’m sometimes fine with but I felt it throughout the entire book. Overall, it’s a well written story that I recommend checking out. 
*this e-arc was sent to me by the publisher to give an honest review in return*
Skies Over Caledonia by Samantha Young

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This story is book 4 in the series which could be read as a standalone but I recommend reading it in order. This book follows Allegra who is told she can’t go back to Scotland with her visa and decides to fake marry a guy who needs her money for his farm. I have been waiting for Allegra’s story because I really enjoyed her personality from the other books but noticed there was more to her. Young did a great job writing this story of someone who has to hide so much and someone who thought they could never love. There was so much to this story that’s hard to explain in words. The pacing was great for this story and I loved the conflicts in this book. I read this book fairly quickly and loved getting both Allegra’s and Jared’s pov. 
Allegra is the FMC of this story who is an artist and comes from a wealthy family. She has secrets she can’t share and wants to find a home. Then there is Jared who’s left with the barn he wants to grow but has no money. He doesn’t believe he can marry anyone until he meets Allegra. I loved both of the MCs and enjoyed reading their story. They developed so much and I loved how they were there for each other. There were side characters from the previous books in this book but we had some new ones in the story. I loved Allegra’s family coming out in the end so she can heal strongly. The romance is a fake marriage, forced proximity and grumpy x sunshine. 
The ending was well done with a HEA for the couple. I really enjoyed both of their stories and seeing them grow. I loved how there was no kidnapping involved compared to the other books. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series and see what it will be about. I recommend checking out this book because you don’t want to miss out. 
*this e-arc was sent to me by the publisher to give an honest review in return* 
Nightfall by Penelope Douglas

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This is the last book in the story which follows Will and Emmy. This book picks up a bit after the 3rd one where Will is locked in Blackchurch but somehow Emory is also there. I really enjoyed this book as it takes on a more different route compared to the other books. I enjoyed getting to learn about Blackchurch and the people who ended up there. There were a lot of conflicts and the story was very entertaining. I enjoyed the alternating povs and getting flashbacks of the past. Douglas did a great job of writing the finale of this series. 
Will is known as the weak one but is he actually? I liked how he proves himself in this book showing he can do things on his own. He had a great character development and I loved it. Then there is Emory who hasn’t had the greatest childhood and doesn’t think she should be love. I also loved seeing her grow and knowing there is a different side to Will. There were many side characters and I loved being introduced to more but also seeing some side romances form. The romance was enemies to lovers, instant love, and forbidden love with steamy scenes throughout the story. 
The ending was well done and I loved how the book came to be. So much happened in this series that were all separate conflicts but became one big one at the end. Overall this book is wonderful and I recommend checking the series. The first book is very dark than the rest but once you get through book 1, the others are better. 
*this e-arc was sent to me by the publisher to give an honest review in return*