thisboricuareader's reviews
1182 reviews

Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor by Steven Moffat

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I really love getting to read Doctor who episodes. Like so much. You get a better insight to things the writer of the episode wanted to do and it's hard to add everything to the episode. Like it makes the experience so good! I love these. 
The Next Best Fling by Gabriella Gamez

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THIS BOOK HAD ME SCREAMING! IT'S JUST SO GOOD. LIKE SO GOOD. EVERYONE TELLING YOU TO READ IT IS RIGHT. YOU NEED TO READ IT!!! like my god!!! it was just funny and the romance aspect had me wanting finish so fast. Like I know that when it starts both of them have feelings for someone else, but they do end up actually getting to know each other and like making time to share about their lives and what they want. 

Like I loved this so much!!!!

I got an e-arc of this book on NetGalley.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Vampire Kisses: The Beginning by Ellen Schreiber

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I really wanted to reread the books I own that were my fave as a teen, and this one man how it missed so much for me now. 

I guess the girl felt a bit pick me, for me now. But ya know, it's a goth and she meets her vampire dream boyfriend. I think I never finished these as a teen, and I will now. 
My Lady's Secrets by Katy Moran

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 36%.
This book was 100% not for me. It dumped you into this world and you're trying to catch up but the world building info dump felt too much. I guess the parts of him having to tame her also rubbed me the wrong way. Like I said, it was me. 

I got an e-arc of this book on NetGalley.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed by Maureen Callahan

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I'll say this was a great read. Learning about all the women these men destroyed. Like I was shocked with some things that I didn't know. You know but some people can be great, and do shitty things at the same time. JFK did great things but also destroyed a lot of women. 

I loved this. 

I got an e-arc of this book on NetGalley.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.
This Heart of Mine by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 19%.
I know this book was published a long time ago and I guess rape was okay cause the victim is a playboy (the word used) and he sleeps with a lot of woman so whatever that he was asleep. Especially when once he wakes up, he acknowledges that had she asked while he was awake, he would've said no. 

Like it's so fucking gross, even more gross that she lies about being pregnant to him. Decided to keep the baby then the family forces them to get married cause a child needs a mom and a dad. Like it's so gross, I'm supposed to root for this couple. No, this woman needs jail time. 
Where We Found Our Home by Natasha Bishop

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Pixels of You by Yuko Ota, Ananth Hirsh

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This was such an interesting book. Like I am at least still processing the story, I really liked it. I liked to seeing them get to know each other. Like it was good. 
Reel by Kennedy Ryan

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I've always heard so many positive things about this book, and I was scared of it not living up to it. Which is stupid of me, since I've loved (almost) every single one of the books by Kennedy Ryan that I've read. 

This was so good. The chemistry between these two, I was screaming. I loved the space he made in his love for her and how sure was of his feelings for her even through everything. Like I love it, so much. I want it in my collection. 
Doctor Who: The Forgotten Army by Brian Minchin

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In my current Doctor Who rewatch, I decided to dive into these book. This was so fun! I felt like I was watching the show with Amy and the Doctor. I loved it so much!!!