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Sebatang Pohon Tumbuh di Brooklyn by Betty Smith

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❝Kuncinya ada dalam menulis dan membaca. Kau bisa membaca. Setiap hari, kau harus membacakan satu halaman dari buku yang Bagus Untuk❞


A Tree Grows in Brooklyn will be one of my all the time favorites! I'm not into a classical book, but this one is an exception. As far as I remember, I bought and read this book when I was a senior high school student, probably almost 8 years ago. The first time I saw it, I'm falling in love with the cover, the thickness of the book and also the synopsis. So, after a few weeks of saving some money, I bought this book and I'm not regretting it. This book is so amazing, inspiring, beautiful and realistic. I'm in love with this book. I wish I could have the original version of this book.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn written by Betty Smith was published for the first time in 1943. It's the coming of age story of Francie Nolan, 11-years-old-Irish-American-girl, who lives in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York with her poor immigrants family when the First World War occurred. The book tells about the daily life of Francie, from her childhood to adolescence.

There're a lot of amazing and inspiring characters in this book. Obviously, it's Francie. I love how she lives her life, her inner thoughts, her curiosity to figures things out, her desire in studying, her love of books which she always borrows books from the library alphabetically.

I do admire Francie's mother—Katie Nolan. Her struggles to provide a better life for her family is worth to be appreciated. In poverty, she manages to save some money in a can pinned under the bed. What I remember the most about Katie is how she always read one page of the Holy Bible and Shakespeare's book every single day until Francie and Neeley—Francie's brother—able to read by themselves in hope that her children can have a better life than her.

And then, there's Johnny Nolan. Even though he is an alcoholic, he did love his family so much. When they can't afford to send both of their kid to school, he sneaks Francie to an elite school to be able to get a proper education.

Even though the pace is quite slow, but it gives a detailed story of Nolan's family. The story shows how love and family bonding is so important to be able to overcome hard times.
Confess by Colleen Hoover

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❝When I'm with you, I think of all the great things I could be if I were without you.❞
—Page 39

❝It’s not a confession if no one reads it. It’s just an unshared secret.❞
—Page 69

❝Selflessness. It should be the basis of every relationship. If a person truly cares about you, they'll get more pleasure from the way they make you feel, rather than the way you make them feel.❞
—Page 271


Confess is about Auburn Reed who is desperately looking for a second job to collect as much money as she can to get back something that important to her. Fate makes its own way to make Auburn stop at a building with a sign says CONFESS. There is a lot of scrap paper in the window that turns out to be a confession from people. When the door opens, she meets this attractive man, Owen Gentry—the artist who owned the building that gives her a job with good pays. When she comes in, she doesn't know that her life wouldn't be the same anymore.

Auburn and Owen attract to each other, but the secrets in their past make a huge distance between them. All they need to do to make it works between themselves is to confess all their secrets to each other. But, can Auburn and Owen stake their past for a future together? Can they both accept each other confessions?

Surely, CoHo did a good job by making this story. When I read it, I already guess how the storyline will turn out, but I was wrong! The more I read it, the more I discover different storylines, let alone a shocking confession that slowly reveals. The story is quite good, but unfortunately, I can't completely feel the sparks or even the pain in my heart.

What I love the most about this book is the paintings of Owen that based on people's confessions. It's such a great idea. And the ending! OMG—Owen Mason Gentry—surely a kind person, just like Auburn Mason Reed! They're lovely!
November 9 by Colleen Hoover

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I do not expect anything when I start to read this novel. I just so bored and have nothing to do, so I just read it. I do really love how much Ben love Fallon and how much their love to each other. Like they just agree to meet only on November 9 every year, but they can love each other that way. I wish I will have a chance to love and be loved by someone like that. The story is predictable to be that I can guess what will happen next, but it’s not that simple, I guess. I’m quite shock and disbelief of the truth that Ben’s hidding for so long. I never expect something like that. But even though that what they have been through, I’m happy that Ben and Fallon can forgive each other and forgive themselves. And don’t forget, they happily ever after.

“You’ll know, Ben. When you’re willing to give up the things that mean the most to you just to see someone else happy, that’s real love.”
It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover

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❝You can stop swimming now, Lily. We finally reached the shore.❞

It takes some time to read this book, because I'm not ready to end it so fast. And this book always has the power to break my heart and make me shed a tears.
All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

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❝If you only shine light on your flaws, all your perfects will dim.❞
—Page 9

❝You'll cry tonight. In bed. That's when it'll hurt the most. When you're alone.❞
—Page 11

❝The problem is, love and happiness are not concordant. One can exist without the other.❞
—Page 18

❝I pretend to be happy when I'm breathing.❞
—Page 22

❝I probably didn't notice because sadness is like a spiderweb. You don't see it until you're caught up in it, and then you have to claw at yourself to try to break free.❞
—Page 137

❝We’re all full of flaws. Hundreds of them. They’re like tiny holes all over our skin. And like your fortune said, sometimes we shine too much light on our own flaws. But there are some people who try to ignore their own flaws by shining light on other people’s to the point that the other person’s flaws become their only focus. They pick at them, little by little, until they rip wide open and that’s all we become to them. One giant, gaping flaw.❞
—Page 148

❝When you meet someone who is good for you, they won’t fill you with insecurities by focusing on your flaws. They’ll fill you with inspiration because they’ll focus on all the best parts of you.❞
—Page 149

❝I used to be fine when I was alone. But now that I have you, I’m lonely when I’m alone.❞
—Page 173

❝No matter how much you love someone—the capacity of that love is meaningless if it outweighs your capacity to forgive.❞
—Page 197

❝What’s the secret to such a perfect marriage? Our marriage hasn’t been perfect. No marriage is perfect. There were times when she gave upon us. There were even more times when I gave upon us. The secret to our longevity is that we never gave up at the same time.❞
—Page 200

❝I love you more at this moment than any that has come before it.❞


Colleen Hoover is indeed a kind of author that has the ability to make a good story with so much emotion and evoke the reader's feeling through the up and down of the story. All Your Perfects is maybe one of her most emotional story that I ever read.

The story of All Your Perfects begin when Quinn and Graham have met on the worst day of their life, but fate put them together. On each chapter, the storyline went back and forth from past to present time, differs by THEN and NOW. This way, it creates such a mixture feeling.

'THEN' part shows us how Quinn and Graham met on the first time and how they connected to each other and start their relationship. On this part, those basically were all the happiest moment of their relationship. I can easily tell that Quinn and Graham love each other so much. It's so easy to fall in love with Graham's personality too.

On the 'NOW' part, shows the current life of Quinn and Graham seven years after their marriage. On this part, I can feel the pain, sorrow, anxiety, and hopelessness of Quinn's. My heart is broken as I read every single page of 'NOW' part. It feels like I am on Quinn's feet. They did love one another but on the other side, they keep pretending which makes them hurt even more.

All Your Perfects is the sixth books of Colleen Hoover that I ever read and this book successfully beat the other four book and place on the second rank after Ugly Love, followed by November 9, It Ends with Us, Without Merit and Too Late.

P.S. What's your favorite book written by Colleen Hoover? Any recommendation maybe?
Verity by Colleen Hoover

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❝No one is likable from the inside out.❞
—Page 61

❝The good thing about sins is they don’t have to be atoned for immediately.❞
—Page 64

❝It’s natural, to assume the worst in people, even if that assumption is only for a split second.❞
—Page 302

❝I needed for the imaginary version of my world to be darker than my real world. Otherwise, I would have wanted to leave them both.❞
—Page 304


After an accident that befell his wife—Verity Crawford, an bestselling author—Jeremy Crawford looking for a writer to complete the remaining books in a successful series his injured wife is unable to finish. Later, a struggling writer—Lowen Ashleigh—is hired as Verity's replacement. As Lowen goes through Verity's notes and outlines for her writing material, she uncovers Verity's unfinished autobiography. What will Lowen go to do with the manuscript that was full of dark secrets?


That's the only thing that comes straight to my mind when I close this book after finishing it. Perhaps, this is the first romantic-thriller-suspense book that I've ever read. I suppose this story is so fucked up, intense, and disturbing. If you haven't read it, you probably don't want to read it at night, because it gives you a creepy and terrifying feeling and also will haunting you down. Well, I warned you!

I've been trying to guess about the plot but the story manipulates me with a twist at the end. I don't even know whom to trust anymore! The book also left me with a huge unanswered question, which truth was she manipulating?

Colleen Hoover is indeed a brilliant writer! Verity is not an enjoyable read, but I can't put it down even though I was afraid to read the next page. I'd say that I dislike all of the characters in this book. That's why I can't give 5 ⭐ for this book.