This book is a 4 in 1 of tropes. Dark Romance Enemies to Lovers Mafia Step Brother Romance
This book had me thinking the main character had some form of Stockholm Syndrome as the relationship with her stepbrother is all sorts of messed up and seems more abusive than anything...
If the summary had been more clear I definitely would not have picked this one up. Honestly I only stuck with it because it's only 200ish pages...
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
This book had me.... I couldn't put it down. It made me laugh, shout, cry and everything in between....
I was not emotionally prepared for the last 100 pages, but I never am with this author it seems...
This book is written in a way that pulls you in and makes you truly want what's best for the characters. The emotional growth of the characters throughout this story is beautiful and by the end it's hard to see them how they were at the beginning.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
This book took me for a ride...
Feyre us a flawed individual but she seems to be aware of it in this book. Her journey through self discovery and independence is beautiful to read. There are definitely parts where I want to reach through the pages shake her and tell her to get her together but once again I couldn't put it down.
This book was pure chaos the last 200 pages and had me shouting out loud and throwing the book across the room by the end... I 100% will be starting the next one immediately..
I avoided reading this series for a long time, honestly to avoid they hype more than anything. I succumbed to reading it after some pushing by my sister, and I'm glad I did.
This story is beautifully told in a way that pulls you in and makes you feel invested in Feyres story from early on. That's what made me keep picking it up. They introduction into the world of the Fae is done in a way that left this reader asking questions but continuing to read hoping they were answered along the way.
I'm excited to know this is a series but this book is written in a way that you can be satisfied reading it alone. That being said I am excited to pick up the next one!
If you like your sports romances with just a lil sprinkle of sports then this is for you.
This book is complete with drama, messed up family dynamics, lovable characters you want to defend, and of course romance.
It's not the spiciest romance in the world but its there. Overall it's a cute story that makes you want what's best for the main character Ash and it takes you for a ride along the way.
This book was enjoyable, but also gave me whiplash at times.
Like always the author writes with a level of detail that you either love or hate. For me I enjoy the deep dives into the story but sometimes this got a little too deep.
My biggest struggle was keeping up with the timeline when going between chapters. Some chapters were labeled with dates, some were not. When switching between characters the chapters didn't always go chronologically with had me flipping back through to check dates.
Overall I enjoyed the book and will be continuing with the series.
I love the detail in this book, but at times it felt like it dragged. This was a very slow read for me and I only got through it because I blended reading and audio.