tirwinreads17's reviews
141 reviews

Verity by Colleen Hoover

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I wasn’t sure what to expect after the first couple pages of this book. I read an excerpt before downloading it on my brand new Fire tablet. I got into it very quickly and it only took me a week of a few hours each day to get through it. The unexpected twists and turns did not disappoint and carried on until the very last page. Fantastic book and makes me in the mood to read some thrillers and definitely more from this author!
Survive the Night by Riley Sager

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First heard about this book as BOTM’s July add-on. I passed it up initially but fell victim to the bookstagram hype surrounding it and ordered it full price from Amazon. I was overall fairly disappointed. The first 100 pages were slow and a little mentally exhausting to read. Imagine reading only a few sentences of something actually happening in the book present tense followed by paragraphs upon paragraphs in what felt like rants or entirely separate stories in parentheses (not literal parantheses though, which it not being separated from the main present text made it more difficult to read and exhausting to keep shifting gears, but hopefully you get what I mean). I personally wasn’t a fan of that writing style.

My interest peaked a little more after about the 100 page mark, which is when the author decided to start shifting between character POVs. Although there was an extremely slow start, there were then a billion plot twists within a very short period of time at the end and it was difficult to accept the ending for what it was.

I would probably have not been happy if I sat through a film of this. Although I wasn’t this book’s biggest fan, it is my first Riley Sager read and I won’t hold that against him. I’ve seen bookstagrammers also commenting how it is not their favorite of his work. So I will add at least one more of his thrillers to my TBR before making a final decision about his stories, but I’m not in any rush to do that.
Second First Impressions by Sally Thorne

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Very slow to start.. I never thought there would be any actual storyline. Read like a typical PG teenage romance with some rated R language and scenes. Probably would have just given it three stars if it weren’t for the delightful little twist and heartwarming *of course anticipated* ending.
The Lost Village by Camilla Sten

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Snagged this ebook while it was a daily deal at the recommendation of many bookstagrams and I'm really glad I did! Definitely a different genre and style of writing than I am used to but it was so interesting to read a book written like you are actually watching a documentary. I spent a few nights while reading this checking my closet and behind the shower curtains freaking out at little noises... that's how you know it's a good one!!
After I Do by Taylor Jenkins Reid

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This book took me a long time (two months) to finish. Not because it was ever at risk of being on my DNF list, but because I am very much a mood reader and well, who is ever in the mood to read about a book that for the most part is about potentially failed marriages. Especially when you’re having a wedding of your own in a few months. But it was written in a beautiful way imparting great wisdom to readers the bittersweet and heavy reality that is life, love, and loss.
56 Days by Catherine Ryan Howard

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Initially I passed this up as a BOTM pick in July but after seeing bookstagram go crazy over it, I decided to pick it in August as an add-on and I am so glad I did.. in fact, I read it all within a few days of receiving my package!

As an American, the Irish geography and phrases took some getting used to and I had to often intuit what things meant or just push on without caring to know because it was of little importance.

This was definitely the only (first?!) book I’ve read that has embraced the reality of COVID-19 and lockdown and used it as part of a fictional story.

I thoroughly enjoyed the twist near the end, then yet another one even after that, which made me rethink everything I read and how I pictured it since the very first page. Overall though, it didn’t “wow” me enough for 5 ⭐️’s though.
Beyond the Pill: A 30-Day Program to Balance Your Hormones, Reclaim Your Body, and Reverse the Dangerous Side Effects of the Birth Cont by Jolene Brighten

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I enjoyed most of this book for the knowledge and science surrounding hormonal birth control and women’s health since my own doctors weren’t helping me figure out issues with my own oral contraceptive and hormonal imbalance concerns. It came highly recommended online and assisted me with my decision to transition off of hormonal birth control and get on a path to a natural, healthier body. However, the portion of the book that discusses what to do after going off of the pill lost my interest. Some of the things recommended didn’t work and the author’s push is largely about making money on her own overpriced branded supplements that are probably not necessary and might take advantage of helpless, lost folks with period issues that feel like they need it or would rather try that then seek the medical care they actually need. I’m excited to read the Period Repair Manual next by Lara Briden.
The Boys' Club by Erica Katz

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Wrote a review a few months back after finishing, but it appears to have been deleted! As a fellow lady lawyer, this book piqued my interest immediately and I devoured it. For the most part, I was all in at 5 ⭐️’s all day long. Fast-paced, relatable, and it tackles very important and very REAL issues of women in white collar professions. But I was very unsettled and disappointed at what felt like a rushed and unresolved ending. It hit me like a brick wall. For most of the book, it lays out the issue and builds beautifully on it, then bam, no resolution or change, just more work to do. Although I am sure the author was using it as sort of a call to action and to let folks in these situations IRL know they are not alone, it had the opposite effect on me, making me feel slightly hopeless and defeated. But viewed only as a fiction, it would have been very entertaining.