trash_reader_'s reviews
932 reviews

The Drawing of the Three by Stephen King

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 4%.
"I jerk off left-handed, he thought, at least that's something."

I already dislike King's writing the majority of the time. I refuse to sit through another of his mediocre books, especially if it's going to be filled with unnecessary sexual content, just to hopefully see why everyone claims to love his books. I don't have the time or patience for that.

Was the quote above that bad? No. But I've read around 30 of his books already and I know it will get worse, so I'm stopping while I'm ahead. I was bored anyway, and considering this is the second book in a series, I don't think I'm supposed to be bored.
A Silent Voice 7 by Yoshitoki Oima

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  • Strong character development? Yes


That ending was kind of disappointing. I spent the entirety of book 6 crying my eyes out, just for this last installment to be lackluster. It's a happy ending, which is great, but it was so anti-climactic, especially since the rest of the series seemed to be building up to something else.
Bone Dance by Martha Brooks

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 28%.
I was just so bored with this, and life is too short to read boring books.
A Silent Voice, Vol. 2 by Yoshitoki Oima

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  • Strong character development? Yes
