tucholsky's reviews
398 reviews

Number 11 by Jonathan Coe

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not bad not more than ok. a few good lines. perhaps too much chaterati or hampstead labour club opinions for me.
Red or Dead by David Peace

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doesn't give a real insight into a pretty great man. In the back of my mind his words were being narrated by Jim bullseye Bowen not a lively man from Ayrshire. The only hint being calling jock stein John. portrays him as good to his family be a use he feels that is the expected and two faced and malleable with his players
How Good We Can Be: Ending the Mercenary Society and Building a Great Country by Will Hutton

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reads better if it were a series of newspaper columns. Some good prognosis of Britain's problems but adds too many sweeping statements. like most journalists he ignores some inconvenient facts particularly on welfare reform - believing the myth about sanction "targets" for example