tylahhhmarie's reviews
217 reviews

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

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Wow. What. Wow.

I don't even know what to begin. I have to be honest.. right up until about page 170 I was constantly thinking "what is even going on in this story?" and "is there going to be a point?"
If the whole book gave me the same feeling as the last 60 pages did then my rating would be much higher but I cannot deny the fact that I found myself looking forward to the story being over. I liked Cadence; the way she written was absolutely beautiful. I really did feel like I was in an island atmosphere whilst reading. I thought this was going to be a story of 'I'm white, I have money, I get into trouble and my family still loves me.' But it was SO much more than that. (Thankfully.)
I cringed every time Cadence said "Mummy" - I mean you're what 17? and still calling your mother 'Mummy'? So weird.

I felt a lot of the time I was waiting for extraordinary things to unravel that were going to blow my mind but they just happened so subtly you almost didn't feel like anything was happening at all. If that makes any sense.

Overall, I /did/ like this. The plot twist at the end really got me and it made the rest of the story fall into place. E. Lockhart did a fabulous job with her characters and I would love to read more of her work in the future :)

“Be a little kinder than you have to.”
The Rules of Attraction by Bret Easton Ellis

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My friend lent me this book and I was super excited because we're trying this new thing where we lend each other a book to read every month... and this was the first one of our new little reading adventure.

I was bored. Insanely bored. It felt like someone was literally yelling gibberish so fast into my ear that I almost couldn't understand them at all.

I tried to enjoy this. I did. I read 50 pages the first day and then I just decided to read the rest of it in one sitting because I knew if I put it down I would never pick it back up. I felt like I owed it to my friend to at least complete the first book that she was loaning me.

Not much else to say. I didn't like it. Not even a little bit. It didn't captivate me. I feel harsh saying this but... I would quite literally watch grass grow.
Orange Is the New Black by Piper Kerman

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This was so boring my gosh. Probably because I've already watched the TV show so I definitely had higher expectations but ugh... this took me 8 months to read that's how boring it was. Sigh.
Heartless by Sara Shepard

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This was a very quick and enjoyable (like always) read. I felt like I got a lot more out of this book than the last couple. It’s still a little childish for me but I can’t judge too harshly on that because that’s just my age, I think. Like always, the girls different story lines are intriguing and keep you excited for the following books!
Where She Went by Gayle Forman

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This was very beautifully written but I did feel like the story was a little unnecessary. It should have just stayed with the first book and left it at that. It was nice to get a story from Adam’s point of view but that’s about as far as it went for me. Disliked the ending so much also. Not completely disappointing but not exactly life changing either.
After You by Jojo Moyes

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Finally finished this! 😴

This is a hard one to write about or even rate. It was a very slow read and I found myself reading one chapter, putting it down and not picking it back up for a few days. Don’t get me wrong, the story was good.. I just don’t think it was needed. It strayed away from Me Before You. I felt like Lou was a whole different character in this story.. she didn’t read the same. I did like the story.. but I could have done without. I’m not too excited about picking up the third book.. but I will.