tynareads's reviews
136 reviews

Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

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The story telling in this book is unlike anything I ever encountered before. The dreamy descriptions of time and the blurry lines between the “real” and our inside secret worlds made me truly *think* about the meanings in this book. It’s truly an accessible piece of philosophy - with moving, funny and witty moments. All entwined with the original and unique writing of Murakami which you could recognise anywhere. Loved it .
Pew by Catherine Lacey

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Lacey is a skilled writer, poet even, of our time. Even though Pew didn’t enter me fully (I feel that I am just too dumb for all of its meaning) I could recognise it’s brilliance.
The Beekeeper of Aleppo by Christy Lefteri

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A beautifully important book, which everyone should read once. The harrowing experiences of the protagonists need to be really listened to and processed. The writing style was not my favourite however, but that’s just a personal opinion.
Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata

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I am so in love with the strangeness of this book - it’s comical and insightful and deeply haunting for some reason. A great read
More Than I Love My Life by David Grossman

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I have no words for the beauty of this book. The family inside this story will stay with me forever, a scar etched into my brain.

I really recommend this voyage into love, pain, suffering and sacrifice - narrated by the most beautiful storyteller Gili.
If Cats Disappeared From The World by Genki Kawamura

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Sweet, heartbreaking and adorable. For me it didn’t explore anything new, nor did I feel enlightened, but I felt very touched and somewhat comforted. Recommend for a warm rainy day with tea and a slice of cake that we can still enjoy whilst alive ☺️