tynareads's reviews
136 reviews

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

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Oh no... I had such high hopes (maybe this ruined it for me) and I am disappointed. That is not to say that i hated this book, I actually liked how readable it was.

First of all - there IS potential in this story for me. I liked the world whcih Yarros created for us, especially the connections between dragons and their riders which I felt was explored to an extent and provided a nice dimension to the book.

But the writting, the plot.. GIRL. Please put the ACOTAR down, and focus on creating greater stakes, as I genuinely did not care about most people in this book that I was supposed to care about. Relationships felt formulaic and purely cringe... things happened too conveniently at all times and the tension was never high enough for me to get truly invested. The worldbuilding was as basic as it gets, as readers you get forced fed details and important information with no showing.

Also, I went into this quaking and shaking in anticipation for an enemies to lovers story... and even here I was disappointed
Elektra by Jennifer Saint

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This book follows a very similar narrative to many of the other popular retellings out there (I do not could The Song of Achilles or The Silence of the Girls, or even The Wolf Den in this list as I personally thought these books were the crème de la crème of the genre), and because of this for me felt repetative and overused. As much as I love that women take center stage in these stories, perhaps writers believe that this will automatically give the book merit and quality. Unfortunately the three women in this story (Elektra, Clytemestra, and Cassandra) all blend together and for me were indistinguishable in style, character or (and above all) narrative.

It is not terrible, but nothing new.