tynareads's reviews
136 reviews

Imperium: A Novel of Ancient Rome by Robert Harris

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The book was a solid read until the last 10%. I felt the pacing of the book was quite repetitive at times:

1. Cicero is challenged
2. Cicero prepares
3. Cicero wins

And this repeats around 4 times in the book which towards the very end becomes predictable and a little boring.

I love Harris as a writer and therefore it’s still an enjoyable 3 stars, I just didn’t think it’s his best work.
The Women of Troy by Pat Barker

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What a great read this was! I listened to the @audible_uk audiobook in sporadic bursts, I’m sure if I had a physical copy it would have been impossible for me to put down once the story evolved.

The part two of Silence of the Girls delivered the promise of a worthy sequel. Admittedly at the beginning I was worried about the direction of this story, partly because the first book was so spellbinding. Once I accepted this read as it’s own independent self, I started enjoying it much more.

In a way it did leave me a little bit unfulfilled, for me parts of the story (especially the beginning) could have been deeper, more touching. Nonetheless I quickly attached to the characters and I was sad to put this read to its rest.