uncreationmyth's reviews
82 reviews

A Very Nice Girl by Imogen Crimp

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artist's rendition of me reading this book: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FbSc4LtaAAEMkI0?format=jpg&name=small

yet another book for the "he's a 4 but you met him at a really formative time in you life" canon 😔
Either/Or by Elif Batuman

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she’s just like me fr @_@ (annoying depressed girl who has a complicated relationship with love/sexuality & probably also undiagnosed autism) 
i was very Afraid when i found out that this was coming out— the publisher blurb does not do it justice. spent the entire book trying to decide if it was a good book but i hate it or a bad book but i love it. talk about a real either/or situation!
Funny You Should Ask by Elissa Sussman

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 15%.
is this... self-insert fanfic? 

this book was too straight & too horny for me. i just couldn’t do it. honestly wish i could have seen my face while trying to read this.
Disorientation by Elaine Hsieh Chou

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cringed, gawked, muttered “noooo” to myself at all the spots elaine hsieh chou would have wanted <3 what a bonkers ride. obviously over-the-top bc it’s satire, but perhaps a little… heavy handed imo. maybe could have benefitted from cutting down a little. still fun & gets the job done tho! lmao writing this book must have felt cathartic

i am somewhere adjacent to the target audience & while i related, i wouldn’t really say i felt seen. i DID feel weirdly grateful for the specific socio/geotemporal situation(?) of my adolescence tho
The Sentence by Louise Erdrich

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hm, still not ready to read books that are About 2020. sorry!

i did have fun in the first half, learn a lot & get some great soup ideas tho
Intimations by Zadie Smith

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idk why i thought it would be fun(?) to read this on the 2 year pandemiversary. it wasn;t 

that's not zadie smith's fault tho
You Never Get It Back by Cara Blue Adams

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*extremely person who recently watched “the worst person in the world” (2021, dir. joachim trier) voice* getting some major “the worst person in the world” vibes here
Anagrams by Lorrie Moore

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what a clever little book! but also what a sad little book! lorrie moore sure knows her way around figurative language

wish i could have read it when it came out because woof some things here did not age well