unfortunatelyiowan's reviews
108 reviews

Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson

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I really liked this book. I thought the style of writing was very unique and the book itself hit on a lot of topics that many girls deal with today. The book captured my attention right away and i was never bored while i was reading it. To me, Wintergirls was an unpredictable and exciting read. I am very glad that i chose to read it.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Ravenclaw Edition by J.K. Rowling

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I really love the Harry Potter series. I think that the first book sets a fantastic stage for the rest of the series. I was captivated almost immediately. I have already seen most of the movies so reading the book after I've seen the movie was a little bit scary because i wasn't sure if i would be bored with the book because the movies are so incredible but i was not let down in the slightest. JK Rowling is a truly talented author i love love love her books.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Ravenclaw Edition by J.K. Rowling

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The first book of the series made me so excited to continue reading the rest of the books in the series. The plot was so interesting and it captivated me instantly. Even though i have seen the movies i was still sitting on the edge of my seat throughout the whole thing. This is one of those books that one could read over and over again and not get bored of them. Not only was the plot incredible, but the writing was too. Fantastic book.
Bright Shiny Morning by James Frey

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Bright Shiny Morning was written in such a unique way that i was confused for the first few pages. Once i got the hang of it finally i was entranced. James Frey does not sugar coat Los Angeles in any way what so ever. The way he follows people's lives is so real i felt as though i was going through all of the love, success, failures, embarrassments, and scandals right along side the characters. Frey really opened my eyes to the reality of the American "promise land." I definitely recommend this to everyone to read.
The Reader by Bernhard Schlink

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The Reader was written using a unique voice and wording. That might be because the author is, or seems to be, German. The story itself was good, the whole thing was from his point of view. It was a good book but i can't say it was one of my favorites.