Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Lemme start off by saying that this is the first book I’ve sad and read in 1 sitting in like 5 years.
This was a Hallmarkified The Bachelor romcom & I need it to happen to me IRL. I loved the MCs and felt like they were well-rounded. I loved The-Bachelor-esuqe setting and how the romance was between the bachelor and a producer???? DELICIOUS! It was fast-paced and I loved that. I was here for a short and good time and that was had. The couple had amazing chemistry and I would like one of Sebastian Riggs to go plz and thank you.
Tags: M/F, Colombian American FMC, British (kinda royalty) MMC, workplace romance, forbidden romance, reality TV setting, banter
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
She was dropping chains - now she’s dropping bars (sorry).
This book gives Hamilton the musical vibes in that it respins how history can be accurately told but with a modern twist. It’s so unique and creative and has such depth. I was slow to read it cause honestly it had some heavy shit but I was so sad when it was over.
This book taught me more about Harriet Tubman and slavery in America than what I learned in school. That’s f*cked up fr. It is also really encouraging me to read more nonfiction cause clearly we not learning the truth. It’s such a fun and engaging read for such a dark part of history it’s telling. This book had me hooked—except for the moments I had to pause and take a breather because the treatment of Black people (past and present) is infuriating. This book was such a clever way of reminding us the importance of history and how we have come far but still have soooo much farther to go. It serves as a reminder to keep fighting for what’s right and even if we all have different beliefs in religion, politics, etc., a good human fights for other humans.
This was honestly one of those books that will sit with me forever. I think it was brilliant and it’s my favorite read of the year so far.
Tags: F/M, sci fi alien romance, Black author and FMC, human FMC x alien MMC, insta-love but also slow burn, fated mates, abducted by aliens, stranded on another planet,
So I want you to picture Ice Planet Barbarians meets Bug’s Life. Like picture the grasshoppers kidnapping you except it’s not kidnappers it’s praying mantises. So picture this - the praying mantises (manti?) abduct you and bring you into their spaceship (the praying manti have a spaceship) and they wanna experiment on you. I’m talking season 2 of American Horror Story alien subplot shit okay? So anyways they’re like kidnapping you and a bunch of women (why don’t they take the men from the planet, we have soo many to spare) for their experimentification then BAM you and your girlies end up on a cold planet with furry large men to save you and impregnate you and fill you with love (and cum). Sounds just like another story you know right??? Well this was better than that one. I said what I said.
The Thot’s Thoughts:
This book jumps RIGHT INTO IT. Like legit the first page starts the action like complete raw dogging the climax without any buildup. And I’m okay with it. We know why I’m reading this book and it’s not for the world building (which weirdly highly resembles Ice Planet Barbarians). The chemistry between the main characters was delicious and I just ate up their scenes together even when they didn’t speak the same language. Like my man respected the FMC’s bodily autonomy and earned her respect the CORRECT WAY.
This book is legit a more diverse and non-toxic male (besides the bad guys) version of Ice Planet Barbarians. I liked the characters and the plot and the love interest sooo much more than IPB. Like my man was essentially The Beast from Beauty and the Beast with the personality of Jamie Fraiser like he was patient and sweet and just respected tf out of the FMC. Also, the FMC was so likable and felt like a real person and just was strong-willed. This book is just so fun and silly but also touches on things like taking care of yourself and respecting those different from you. The diversity in body types, ethnicities, and races was just so amazing, as well. I just highly suggest it cause it was a great time AND I CAN’T WAIT FOR THE REST OF THE SERIES!!