This is the second and LAST book I’m reading by this author. I should’ve DNF The Love Hypothesis and I was not going to make the same mistake here.
I feel sorry for the FMC. I’m sorry she is such a people pleaser and doesn’t stands up for herself. I’m sorry she allows other people to walk over her. I’m sorry she has that mess of a mother and brothers. I’m sorry she so clearly has low self-esteem. Thank God I don’t relate to her in any way because I’m the complete opposite of her and maybe that’s why I don’t like her? idk
I was almost at 50% of the book and I didn’t feel like we knew enough about this guy, maybe if we got more information about him or more scenes with him then I would’ve try to finish it because I was definitely not staying for her. Also I don't understand WHY he was attracted to her?? Is it because to him she's mysterious? Does he have an "I can fix her" thing?
Probably the only character I liked was her best friend and her iconic “he did the very minimum, the bar is so low that you could pick it up and hit him with it", that made me laugh so much.
Hate when “enemies to lovers” is not really that at all, it doesn’t work in contemporary romance. In this case the hate she has for him is all for made up reasons in her head and he never hated her to begin with but rather wanted his brother’s girlfriend for himself and I don’t find that sexy.
Anyways it felt like almost 50% of the book we were stuck on the same thing and there was no progress on anything!
I really tried to not take it seriously and just have fun because this is a silly book, but this wasn’t doing it for me and I’m glad at least is helping me realize what type of books I don’t ever want to pick up again.
The thing is, I don’t even know why I keep giving literary fiction a chance when that’s not my fav genre and the last 2 books I DNF were literary fiction as well. So after this I’m going to delete so many books from my TBR list.
It was slow paced, I didn’t like the audiobook because the audio wasn’t “clear” like there was “noise”, and at 20% nothing had happened yet. I don’t think I was a big fan of the writing style either.
I don’t know what the hell is happening with the books I read lately because I swear the cover and synopsis and title give me an idea, an expectation, and then nothing like that happens.
Alas, I wasn’t in the mood and I think I started this knowing I would most likely DNF it. I just had two days where I DNF 2 books and then this book didn’t help.
To be honest, there’s not really a logical reason on why I DNF this other than I am not a fan of contemporary and literary fiction. I was craving for some fantasy or more action packed stories but because I didn’t listen to myself I ended up with 3 DNF books back to back.
The most interesting thing about this book was having the POV of an an OCTOPUS and we barely get it. I understand why people would love to read what this woman is going through with her grief after losing her son but I’m not the target audience for this book. And even if I loved the octopus and reading about this woman’s journey, there’s this Cameron guy ruining the book for me!
The way Cameron acts I thought he was in his early 20s but he’s a 30yo loser. From the beginning I didn’t like him and I didn’t think he was a good person because of the way he regarded his girlfriend. He’s so angry with the world. He’s an immature man child. He’s annoying and so whiny. Like dude can you stop whining for a second? he keeps blaming his mother, it's been 21 years! She was battling addiction! And is not like you ended up in an orphanage but maybe your whiny ass deserved it and your lovely aunt should've taken care of another more grateful and nice kid. And the ONLY reason why you're trying to find your father is because you want his money, assuming it's him. Which makes me so mad because later I know Tova will be so excited to have a grandkid but he will be only happy because he will inherit all the money from her! This poor lady might be lonely but she does NOT deserve that asshole of a grandson coming to her life now. And my God he’s stupid, like how do you end up stranded because you travel with very valuable things but instead of taking them with you, you left them in a regular bag and of course they get lost. And what do you mean he goes around with dirty clothes and his face dirty chocolate? Huh? Dude you’re more than THIRTY years old, a disgusting mess with bad hygiene 😭. Even to lie to get a job he’s stupid as hell because how do you end up saying you got experience at FOUR years old!! God, he makes me so mad.
In summary, I had a WHOLE different idea on how it was going to go, I mean I thought there was going to be more ocean for one, and that it was going to be a bright and full of life young woman connecting somehow with the octopus and that it was going to be all about that dynamic, but nooooo they had to give us very few chapters and short ones at that with the octopus, the woman is an old lady with a sad life (at least she isn't annoying, I can't fault her for her life), the author for some reason gave us the guard Ethan pov and I have to put up with Cameron's annoying ass because of an obvious connection with the old lady! Oh, and the whole thing on how the octopus is going to help her with the mystery of her dead son? I'm 40% into the book and there's no progress at all on that front!!
The key to not have a 1 or 2 star book is to DNF, I had enough of those last year and I'm still learning. If I continue with this I'll most likely rate it 2 stars even with whatever emotional ending there is so yeah, bye. Fuck you, Cameron for ruin this book for me, what a terrible character.
I just remembered that life is too short to be reading books you don't enjoy even if I got to 61% like that's enough for me to decide that I truly do not want to continue with this.
I think I had such different expectations for this book because of the cover, because of how people review it, because of the title...
And I guess this wasn't for me because I truly good couldn't care less about the characters. And now that remember I am not someone who enjoys reading character driven books.
Nothing happened, this was boring, too much stupid drama for my taste, these people need to learn about communication to fix their relationships and boundaries to not let that old asshole treat them like that because it's not funny or endearing to allow a fucking grown up treat you like trash.
Maybe if I related to any of the characters (thank God that I don't though) I would've continue with this. But this wasn't for me.
So yeah, when I think of continuing with this book I actually feel annoyed but now that I'm DNFing I'm excited because it just means I'll have time for other books in my TBR that I might actually enjoy.
I'm sorry. I just DON'T GIVE A FUCK 😭😭😭. [redacted because I'd rather keep this on my personal journal but yeah I'm certainly not the target audience for this book] I would not be interested in someone like Charlie at all, I don't care about Dave, the whole thing feels boring, I just want to be over with this... So yeah. I am DNFing this.
Is not even that I had high expectations but is more that I had such different expectations on what would happen and it was such a disappointment.
This started quite slow and difficult to comprehend, but I adapted quickly with the audiobook and this last day I felt the pace more medium and I simply could not stop! I wanted to finish it, I was so immerse in this book I ended up reading it continuously during the first 6 days of January.
To my taste and my rating scale, this is definitely 3.5 ⭐ but I have big expectations for the next books!
I'm just beginning to understand how things will work with these books and it's something I'm not used to but I'm really intrigued!
I'm sad that I didn't connect with any of the characters, but I’m just getting into this world and they’re complex characters.
I just feel so sorry for Fitz because ever since he got to Buckkeep he had to endure SO much when he’s only a child.
Regarding the fantasy / magic, between The Skill and The Wit my mind is working overtime to fully wrap both concepts.
Depending on how I like the next 2 books I’ll decide if I want to continue with this Realm of the Elderlings universe.
It’s nothing against the book at all, I was actually liking it, but I just didn’t have time to finish this 4 book series in 2024 :( I just hope to get the audiobooks sometime and then listen to them.
Tbh I don’t remember when was the last time I picked this book up, it was probably in November, but I’m going to leave it all in October. I still need to update the pages because I did read them.
Is not AT ALL that this book was bad or boring, I didn’t want to DNF it, but there wasn’t enough time left in 2024 to finish this. I was 50% done with this so it hurt to DNF it.
But I’m sure I will pick up this book again at some point but in an audiobook format.
It actually makes me so angry to remember that I pushed through how shitty Caraval was and my hate towards one of the sisters because I thought they would be important here, and they’re here for 5 minutes!
I ended up DNFing this book because I cannot go through another trilogy where I hate the main character. I love fantasy books but I just cannot deal with incredibly stupid girls as main characters 😭
If I say that I hated Evangeline and Donatella more than Apollo (as far as I’ve known him) then what lol
Besides, I did not really care about Jacks that much or this world.
In general, to me this was medium paced, boring as fuck and annoying because of Evangeline.
I was so angry when I DNF this book that I just thought I read a completely different book and I just kept wondering how the fuck someone gives it 5 stars lmao
Like who DNFs a book at 78%!!! I was so close to finishing this, it was that serious!! she was that stupid! And look, I tried to keep reminding myself “she’s only 16/17”… but istg I was not stupid at that age and as much as I found Clary Fairchild annoying too, at least she made some smart decisions and saved the world, meanwhile Evangeline would be the reason why the world ends.
So yeah… this might be the last book I pick up from this author because I had enough, her books are not for me.