vanmeers's reviews
425 reviews

Pocketknife Kitty by Shannon Riley

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pocketknife kitty basically feels like the threesome of it follows, cabin fever and the ring?? absolutely unhinged, bloody and super disgusting. literally loved every moment of this but boy did i FEEL it when her body fell apart especially hashtag down under 🫡 

anyway, seriously disgusting! 

/// ARC courtesy of the publisher and booksirens
The Book of X by Sarah Rose Etter

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a surreal and unique take on conformity and the deadly pressure of trying to fit into the roles that society pressures you into through a lens of magical realism. 

the book of x explores the pressure of looking a certain way, changing and still not feeling whole, the disconnection between you and others, and the deep grief from loss. 

it’s such a bleak story and i felt so strongly for cassie and wished she didn’t have to go through a tough life like she did — it felt too raw and real, despite it being a surreal story of literally rivers of thighs, meat farms and knotted stomachs. 

it’s obviously full of metaphors and everything in it can be assigned to real life scenarios. which is why it feels so hard hitting at several moments. it’s definitely a boon worth reading more than once and i can’t wait to finally get started on ripe after this! what a storyteller! 

// ARC courtesy of verve books and netgalley. 
Bury Your Gays by Chuck Tingle

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just as good the second time reading it!! i do think i prefer reading an ebook/paperback but the audiobook was still pretty sweet. 

love the extra cast, little details to sound and just general vibe of how it was narrated. 10/10 love is real 🫶
Orbital by Samantha Harvey

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 this was absolutely stunning and beautifully narrated!
Magical Beatdown, Vol. 3 by Jenn Woodall

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magical girls beating up assholes and cutting them in half WHILE they’re also being gay af??? that’s perfection right there 

kinda need a vol 4 NOW 
Magical Beatdown by Jenn Woodall

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magical girls that kill people viciously is honestly a whole vibe 
Gifted by Suzumi Suzuki

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i didn’t totally vibe with this one but it still managed to keep my attention during its 120 page story of a woman taking care of her mum while also living/working in the red light district of tokyo. the complicated relationship between mother and daughter was perfectly captured and really gave depth to the struggles of grieving a dying parent. 

if you’re into literary fiction, grief fiction and stories of sex workers and their lives this might be just your thing!

/// ARC courtesy of edelweiss and transit books. 
Starlet by Danger Slater

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i do NOT have what it takes to make it in hollywood if this is what you gotta do 🫡 

starlet is a short horror novella that grabs you by the throat and takes you along for the whole ride riiiight up till the end — and what an end it is. déjà seawright sure IS a star. 

it perfectly captures the insanity of the hollywood elite in a satirical and gory way making it not only an entertaining read, but also a gross one! so so gross. 

i’ll definitely be looking to read more by danger slater if this is the kind of vibe he brings to all his books! 

/// ARC courtesy of BookSirens.