vaporization's reviews
498 reviews

Salome by Oscar Wilde

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bro what the heck is going on
The Happy Prince and Other Tales by Oscar Wilde

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I already read "The Happy Prince" and "The Nightingale and the Rose" in The Snow Queen and Other Winter Tales. "The Happy Prince" is my favorite. I also liked "The Remarkable Rocket," which I think was the most humorous. "The Devoted Friend" was also perfectly ironic.
Biography of X by Catherine Lacey

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biography of a pretentious art person. I appreciate what Lacey set out to do, but I was incredibly bored for most of it, with the the few interesting and/or insightful tidbits being far too repetitive. it is written just like a biography, and I don't like nonfiction.
Maeve Fly by C.J. Leede

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meh. it's gross but not that scary, and not that interesting. repetitive motifs. I thought there was going to be something more to Kate and Maeve's relationship. I thought there would be more to learn about Maeve.
Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco

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It started off fine. And then it got to the point where I was like my god just get it on and over with already. But then the sex started and there was so much, so careful what you wish for, I guess.

Everyone in this book is so horny. I don't buy the romance. Xiaodan and Remy, I can kinda get behind because at least they show that they like each other. I have no clue why Remy likes Zidan (and it's annoying that sometimes the narrative calls him Zidan when most of the time it's Malekh, and it's weird that most of the time the narrative calls him Malekh) besides lust. It just HAS to be emphasized every time how Malekh and Xiaodan are just SUPER hot and Remy is constantly horny. To be honest like Xiaodan and Malekh seem to not really like Remy for much more of a reason than lust either. Because like what does Remy give them.

I thought I liked Remy at first. Then he just became this wet bag. Like what does he even do. Cause problems I guess.

Is it consent if you're dying and all you want is to not die? Also, Remy was groomed and then immediately jumps into a relationship, at 23, with 900-yr-old and 40-yr-old vampires.

Remy is so patronizing towards Naji, and so is the narrative. Naji is always called a "youth" or a "boy." He's not a boy. He's OLDER THAN REMY. You could literally think he's like fifteen for how the narrative treats him. I don't care that he's a vampire. He's been on earth longer than Remy has. This just makes it even weirder that Remy and Naji's older brother have a thing.

I rolled my eyes a couple times, I can't lie.
The Oresteia: Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, The Eumenides by Aeschylus

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Not enough Orestes in the Oresteia

AGAMEMNON: first half is boring sorry

THE LIBATION BEARERS: yay Orestes and Electra. Pylades is just kinda there though

THE EUMENIDES: kinda interesting but it's mostly the gods justifying the heinous stuff they make people do