This was so cute! The story follows Finn and Millie who both work at a science museum. Millie is an entomologist and Finn is an astronomer.
I loved the nerdy and scientific parts of the book. It's grumpy x sunshine, he falls first and Finn and Millie's banter was just lovely.
Finn is the guardian of his two nieces and they just added the perfect amount of wholesomeness to this story and moments with Millie.
Millie was a beautiful character and I could empathize with her inner monologues. She was very relatable and she dealt so well with all the problems thrown at her. I also very much appreciated Finn's POV. He is serious book boyfriend material. He is so supportive and especially protective of his nieces and Millie.
The book is quite steamy but if it's not your cup of tea, you can easily skip those chapters. I did so myself later in the story, because I couldn't be bothered for the spicy scenes, I just wanted to know how things would work out in the end. It's maybe because of the name Millie. I'm so sorry if you're a adult-Millie reading that, but Millie works for me as a name for a girl and it just felt so wrong reading this name over and over again when things were about to get steamy.
I read this book via audiobook and I would recommend reading it as a physical book. I did not enjoy the narration all too much, but that's just my personal preference of course and has nothing to do with the story.
I really enjoyed this one and flew through it over the weekend. The perfect spicy and nerdy romance.
A norse inspired romantasy with lots of banter, found family, double POV, gods and monsters, spice, fate and prophecies.
I loved the world. I love norse mythology and it just felt like home, reading about the different norse realms.
Revna was a fierce and strong character, but she also had her raw and weaker moments, which just made her a well rounded character. Fenrir was the big protective wolf. Supportive and communicative - all I want in a MMC. I loved their dynamic together and how their relationship formed through out the story.
I had a little kombucha girl moment with this book and I wasn't sure if I'd like it or not. So hear me out: I really enjoyed the first third. Getting to know the characters and jumping in this big and beautiful, with norse tales filled world. In the middle, when things were about to get spicy I wasn't so sure anymore. It reminded me a little too much of ACOTAR and I did not like the romance in this series. That's probably why I skipped most of the steamy parts with this book. There was just too much talking and I was more interested in the world and story than I was in their romance. The last third was great again and I maybe just have to start skipping steamy parts more often.
I'm very looking forward to the next book because this cliffhanger was just mean. If you loved ACOTAR I think you will enjoy this one even more than I did. It was a great debut and I'm excited for more of this world.
Thank you to the author for the eARC in exchange for my honest opinion.
Ich fand Idee der Geschicht super originell und süß. Ich hab in meiner Jugend unglaublich viel und gern Sims gespielt. Gerade Sims 2 war mein absolutes Leben und deswegen fand ich die ganzen Sims Referenzen, aber auch den Schwenk zu Twitch und deren Online-Kultur richtig gut.
Layla möchte mit Eintritt ins College eigentlich nochmal ganz neu durchstarten, nachdem sie jahrelang heimlich in Asher verliebt war. Was sie nicht weiß ist, dass Asher auch an ihrem College studiert. Wie es der Zufall so will, haben die beiden auf einmal immer öfter miteinander zutun. Am Abend streamt Layla Sims auf Twitch und stellt da ihr nicht so reelles Liebesleben mit Asher dar. Gemeinsam mit ihrer Community überlegt sie sich die Challenge, auf Asher im echten Leben zuzugehen und ihr Erlebtes danach in Sims nachzustellen. Natürlich überlegt sich ihre Community den ein oder anderen Kniff, um Laylas Liebesleben den gewissen Kick zu geben.
Ich mochte das Buch wirklich gern. Die Charaktere waren sehr schön geschrieben und man konnte sie eigentlich nur lieb haben. Ich hatte wirklich großen Spaß mit dem Buch und bin regelrecht durch das Buch geflogen.
Ich konnte mich sehr gut in Layla hineinversetzen, jedoch fand ich nicht, dass sie sich wie eine frische College-Studentin angefühlt hat. Die Charaktere wirkten auf mich eher wie maximal 15-16. Deswegen waren die spicy-Szenen für mich komisch. Hier hätte ich eine closed-door romance doch passender gefunden. Auch, dass sie in ihren Streams die Klarnamen von Asher und anderen Personen des Buches verwendet fand ich doch schon regelrecht dumm und weiß nicht, ob eine 18-jährige so gehandelt hätte.
Ich hätte das Buch als Teenie geliebt. Jetzt mit fast 30 fand ich es trotzdem sehr schön und sehr humorvoll geschrieben. Ich werde definitiv die weiteren Bücher der Reihe lesen und wer Lust auf eine leichte, entspannte Geschichte hat und dann vielleicht Sims so sehr liebt wie ich, ist hier sicher gut bedient.