velsbooknook's reviews
251 reviews

Fake Dates and Fireworks by Kyra Groh

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Wer mich kennt weiß wie sehr ich Fake Dating liebe - deswegen war es sehr offensichtlich, dass eines der ersten deutschen Bücher mit diesem Trope ein guter Start ist.

Die Geschichte spielt um Silvester. Becca trifft sich seit 10 Jahren mit Nils, um mit ihm gemeinsam ins neue Jahr zu starten. Dieses Silvester soll alles anders werden, denn Becca möchte Nils ihre Liebe gestehen. Sie bucht einen romantischen Trip in ein Spa-Hotel in den Alpen. Dort trifft sie auf den immer-zu-spät-kommenden Raphael, der der Onkel eines Kindes in Beccas Kindergarten ist. Als ob es nicht schlimm genug ist, ihn in ihrem eigentlich entspannten Kurzurlaub zu treffen - nein sie trifft ihn nackt in der Sauna.

Die Idee hinter der Geschichte hat mir gut gefallen. Ich war gespannt wer Nils war und wie es dazu gekommen ist, dass sich beide seit 10 Jahren treffen, aber nicht zusammen sind. Das Treffen zwischen Becca und Raphael im Hotel war sehr over-the-top, aber trotzdem gut gemacht. 
Was mir auch sehr gut gefallen hat waren die Eindrücke aus Beccas Arbeitsalltag. Als gelernte Erzieherin waren diese sehr witzig und nachvollziehbar. 

Was mich ein wenig im Lesefluss gestört hat war die Art wie das Buch geschrieben war. Dialoge fühlten sich manchmal recht hochtrabend an und wenig wie ein richtiges Gespräch. Ohne zu viel zu verraten: Nils entpuppte sich sehr schnell als ein sehr toxischer und manipulativer Charakter. Ich mochte ihn ganz und gar nicht und ich finde er hat viel zu viel Aufmerksamkeit bekommen. Was mir ebenso sauer aufgestoßen ist war das geringe Selbstwertgefühl von Becca, ebenso, dass es ständig um Diet Culture ging. Ich denke die Intention der Autorin war eine andere, aber ich fand die Art und Weise wie Beccas Gedanken bzw. Wahrnehmung geschrieben war nicht gut. 

Raphael hat hier die Story wirklich gerettet. Er ist die greenest of green flags und war ein wirklich toller Charakter. Das Buch hatte ein paar spicy Szenen, die ich aber alle als sehr gut und realistisch empfunden habe. Das Fake Dating kommt erst ungefähr in der Mitte des Buches zum Tragen und da hätte ich mir ein wenig mehr erhofft.

Alles in allem kann ich das Buch definitiv weiter empfehlen, hätte mir aber wesentlich weniger Nils gewünscht. Ich werde von Groh sicherlich noch weitere Bücher lesen. 

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Song of the Shieldmaiden by Ashley Hagood

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What a great way to end my reading year! This is the first book in the Daughters of Valhalla series and as the name says it's focused on the female part of the norse inspired world the author created. 
After a usurper takes the throne of their family, three sisters have to navigate their new life under a new leader, which of course comes with a lot of problems. 
I enjoyed the three sisters and the world. If you're familiar with norse mythology or have watched 'Vikings' it was very easy to get into the story and you will find similarities to other norse inspired worlds. 
You also get some romance which is done very well in my opinion. There is angst and struggles and I'm excited to continue the series and I can't wait to see what the author has planned for the sisters.

Read if you like:
• norse gods
• scandinavian small town
• vikings
• shieldmaiden
• seer 
• enemies to lovers
• blood and vengeance 

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The Hurricane Wars by Thea Guanzon

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 23%.
Through a Somber Sky by Kristen R. Moore

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adventurous emotional hopeful


The second and last book in the Enchantress Awakens series has my whole heart. 
This was the perfect read for the beginning of fall and I loved it even more than anticipated.
This world and the characters are so well done and I'm so glad we got to read more POVs in book two. Roman's POV was my favourite and his character arc was so good! Of course I also enjoyed spending more time with Elora and Sorin. Their story was so sweet and beautiful it was a blast following them. 
Kristen has a way with words that immerses you completely in the world of Teravie, it's like watching a cozy movie. 
The pacing of TASS was fantastic as well and I just wanted to keep reading. When I had 150 pages left I wasn't sure how the story would end but I was surprised how much still happened and I loved every minute of it. 
Another favourite were the wolves - but I mean, who wouldn't be happy about some wolf companions? 
This book is definitely a favourite of mine and I couldn't recommend it enough. The writing, world, characters and overall story come together so nicely and it is thought through very well. It feels bittersweet leaving this world but I'm very sure that I will come back soon. 

Thank you for the author for the eARC in exchange for my honest opinion. 

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The End Crowns All by Bea Fitzgerald

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adventurous challenging emotional inspiring tense


The End Crowns All is a young adult novel about the trojan war with a little twist to it.
I love Greek mythology and especially all stories and characters around the trojan war. I only heard great things about Fitzgerald's writing so I was very eager to start this book. 
I was invested from the first page and I simply couldn't stop reading. All the well known characters of the trojan war were there, like Cassandra, Apollo, Helen, Paris and Hector just to name a few but the course of the story was what kept me reading. This is not a retelling, the author took the ancient greek and well known story and just created something new, unique and absolutely beautiful. 
I love her writing, I love the choices she made with the story and characters and it was so refreshing to see a new version of the story. I also loved that even the characters in the book gave a hint on the changes which were made. 
If you love Greek mythology please pick this one up! I definitely want to read Girl, Goddess, Queen very soon and I'm sure I will also give the author's thriller a go. I had an absolute blast with this book and it hit all the marks for me. 

Thank you to the Tandem Collective for the gifted copy. 

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The Only Light Left Burning by Erik J. Brown

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It's the prequel to All That's Left in the World, which I enjoyed a lot but book two sadly wasn't as good as book one in my opinion. 
If you haven't read All That's Left in the World yet I would suggest to read it first before continuing reading my review. 

I LOVED the ending of book one and I was so excited to see more of Jamie's and Andrew's new life. The beginning of TOLLB was a little too fast for my liking and everything just went sad and dark so quickly. Jamie and Andrew lost their spark off-page and I didn't recognize them. I wish we would have seen a few more carefree and happy moments before everything goes downhill again. The lack of communication and also just selfish behaviour between the two main characters also really got on my nerves. It's a world after a corona-like virus which almost wiped out the complete population so I knew it's not going to be a happy story. Book one had a good balance between heavy and wholesome/funny moments which was missing in the story of book two. It was just so dark and heavy. 
I enjoyed that many new side characters joined book two but it took ages for them to develop personality and I was so eager to learn more about them! 
The middle of the book was so slow I almost dnf it. I'm glad I pushed through though because the last third got so much better. The end had some very sweet and surprising moments and I really loved it.
I still recommend picking up All That's Left in the World and the sequel. Both books have their moments and the end really is worth reading it.

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Live, Ranch, Love by Emma Lucy

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funny inspiring lighthearted


My first cowboy romance but definitely not the last. 
Take a grumpy rancher and a sunshine wellness influencer and you got the perfect combo for a cute, lighthearted and spicy summer read. 
Aurora was so fun! She had some strong self doubts but she also was so positive and just so loveable. 
Wyatt was a foul mouthed grump on the other hand but it turns out he also is a real gentleman. 
I loved that both, Rory and Wyatt came with their own insecurities and their relationship felt very healthy, with them overcomming their past and supporting each other no matter what. I had a blast following their story and reading about all the ideas for Willow Ridge's future. 
The story gave me Lindsey Lohan romcom vibes (in the best way possible) but also reminded me of Hannah Montana The Movie (you should have seen my face when it got mentioned in the book). 
This book is about biting the bullet and just doing what makes you happy and fulfills your life. Finding yourself and knowing your worth. It may sound cheesy but sometimes it's all you need in life. Take the leap and try something completely new. 

Thank you Emma Lucy and her PR-team for the eARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This Summer Will Be Different by Carley Fortune

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adventurous emotional



This Summer Will be Different is the perfect summer read! 
I loved the setting. The description of Prince Edward Island made me want to book a trip right now! I could smell the salty water, taste the delicious food and feel the sun on my skin. The story is told by Lucy's perspective, in past and present. It's a lovestory but also about friendship and found family. I loved the strong bond between the FMC Lucy and her childhood friend Bridget. Them being there for eachother in the good and bad times, having eachother's back and empowering one another. 
Felix is Bridget's brother and Lucy clearly has a thing for him. But she and her best friend have three rules when they are in PEI: eat as much oysters as possible, leave the city behind and do not fall in love with Bridget's brother.  Lucy is trying her best but their chemistry is undeniable. I could feel the electricity between those pages. 
I flew through that book and those characters are simply beautiful, it was pure joy to follow them through the story. 
Not only is this story about finding love but also about finding yourself and I can't recommend this book enough. 

Thank you for Carley Fortune, Berkley Publishing & NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for my honest opinion. 

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