verysourcherry's reviews
172 reviews

Hers by A.K. Rose

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I didn't liked it but I kept reading it, skipped a lot. The story came no further and the first 60% could honestly be much shorter to make the same impact on the story. 
The Fine Print by Lauren Asher

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I'm sorry but what in the wattpad writing was that... The plot was so dragging the at the beginning the story of a billionaire who literally have nothing else to do except drawing is too much for me. Not to mention you never really got to how and why she got the job, she just did and he started to randomly see her. Ugh sorry but no, I like fluffy romances but this was just stupid.
Dark Notes by Pam Godwin

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 22%.
This was wrong on so many levels, insta possession, examining of her body on the very first meeting alone? Oh and before that caging her in the hall after 10 min og meeting her? The power dynamic looked so off from the begging I don't really want to continue, so no. 
American King by Sierra Simone

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I honestly don't know how to rate this. The spice and the love written in those pages really got me, but the plot got super strange and you could really see the the plot was written just so there was some plot at all, without necessarily too much sense. It was hot hot hot, but I think it was my least favourite of those three 
American Queen by Sierra Simone

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Loved it, but bringing it down half a star because of the insta lust/love.