wastedwings's reviews
69 reviews

Corpus: A comic anthology of bodily ailments by Nadia Shammas

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Really enjoyed the range of artists. The last 1/4 of the book wasn't very strong, but overall this is a GREAT anthology I would highly recommend! We need more books like this!
Perfectly Clear: Escaping Scientology and Fighting for the Woman I Love by Michelle LeClair, Robin Gaby Fisher

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REALLY enjoyed this book. Totally different from other scientology escape books and I think it's good to gather as many perspectives as possible. I hope there is an update added to future copies of this book to tie up some loose ends with the "church" that were left unfinished.
Tongue Tied: Untangling Communication in Sex, Kink, and Relationships by Stella Harris

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This book was FANTASTIC! So much so that I'm giving it to a friend as a Christmas present AND I took photos of snippets I wanted to remember. It's helping me change the way I think about relationships and how I communicate with others.

The Fibro Food Formula: A Real-Life Approach to Fibromyalgia Relief by Anna Walker, Ginevra Liptan

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Really enjoyed this book and I'm reading the partner book Fibro Manual right now.

I've been on a vegan keto diet for 8 months now and I'm looking to reincorporate different foods back into my diet. Very thankful to have this information on hand.

The only reason it's not 5 stars is because I found the recipes in the back formatted in a weird and confusing way. To me, that part of the book is a waste of space- especially if you don't eat meat since the recipes aren't super veggie friendly.
Unconditional Confidence: Instructions for Meeting Any Experience with Trust and Courage by Pema Chödrön

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Wow. This is an audiobook that I listened to more than once. I took notes the second time. Pema talked about everything I've been feeling and I'm going to really explore buddhist teachings. I'm currently studying yoga and meditation and this really went hand in hand with what I've been learning about life and myself. Uplift others and practice non-violence. Be open to your experiences and the present.
Bodhisattva Mind: Teachings to Cultivate Courage and Awareness in the Midst of Suffering by Pema Chödrön

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Another amazing lecture by Pema. I wasn't sure what to expect and I didn't like it as much as Unconditional Confidence: Instructions for Meeting Any Experience with Trust and Courage, but apparently I'm addicted to her and her teachings. I love how candid and funny she is. She's not what you'd think a buddhist monk would be by any means. She's real and not some robotic unattainable saint of a person that you can't relate to at all. I really enjoyed the Q and A sessions and that's where I felt I learned the most.
Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brené Brown

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Hilarious and heart felt. This was basically an expanded version of the Netflix special- which led me here. I LOVED it!
Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts. by Brené Brown

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Loved this book. Wish I could have rated it 4.5. It’s not as good as Daring Greatly. More like a checklist of things from previous books. I might revisit it after I’ve read all of her other books. Good online resources that go along with this book.
Braving the Wilderness by Brené Brown

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Not my favorite book by Brene. Not my least favorite book by Brene. I think a lot of the topical themes are now out of date because of Covid and the rise of fascism around the world- but especially in the US when a good chunk of people are a part of a cult (Q Anon).

I guess I will look forward to a follow up. Maybe Brene will go down shame and vulnerability of people joining cults (especially during a global pandemic). She already mentions social media so WHY NOT!