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398 reviews

A Fate Inked In Blood by Danielle L. Jensen

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As a chronic chaotic reader who never reads book blurbs, the only two things I knew going in was 1. Danielle Jensen wrote it (and I loved the Bridge Kingdom) and 2. it’s a Viking romantasy. I had no other expectations besides those two things. 

A Fate Inked in Blood was fast paced in a way where events happened rapidly to move the story along but slow in a way where I wasn’t super invested until quite a bit later in the book. 

I despised the FMC’s family and I was constantly mad that she made choices and sacrifices that were detrimental to her but helped her kin and they repaid her with cruelty. While I’m not normally someone who wants characters to make all the “right” choices or do “what I would do”, I was so annoyed by the end that she didn’t let her jerk relatives lay in the beds of their own making that I wanted to scream. MAKE THE SELFISH CHOICE GIRLIE POP!! They didn’t even blink before screwing you over!!! I wanted to shake some sense into her. I respect the loyalty but there’s only so much I can handle. I literally screamed out loud “NO DON’T DO THAT”. 

Then of course we have the ending that made me gasp and screech like a feral raccoon. I’m so mad at the MMC for what he did but I was not surprised by the big reveal about the FMC at the end. I need book 2 in my grabby hands IMMEDIATELY. 

Hopefully her family will finally get what’s coming to them so I can sleep peacefully again. 

Spice: 🌶️🌶️