wendythegeekgoddess's reviews
403 reviews

Crank by Ellen Hopkins

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Kristina Wagner has always been the good girl, she got straight A's and always listened to her mother until she goes to visit the father that was absent for most of her life. She soon decides to leave Kristina behind and becomes Bree, the fearless, out going girl who tries the monster once, and will never put it down again...

The poetic style book is different that I'm used to so it kind of took a while to get used to it but once I did, I was hooked. Ellen Hopkins does an excellent job at describing the struggles of drug addiction, this book will seem so real that it will have YOU thinking your the one thats addicted. It will have you wanting the urge to try the monster, but towards the end you'll completely change your mind and decide you never should, you can almost feel what exactly Kristina is going through. I read this book before bed and it made me have a dream that I was addicted. Recommend it to anyone that loves a good read. Rating: 16 and over because of such graphic things that occur within the story.

If you liked this, you'll love: "Tweak" By: Nic Sheff, "Glass" By: Ellen Hopkins
Confidence for Dummies by Kate Burton, Brinley Platts

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Confidence for dummies was full of different ways to be confident in different aspects of your life. Saying that this book was okay, it wasn't as informative as I had expected it to be. On top of that it was full of typos and at first I tried to overlook them but they kept popping up to the point where it became a tad bit annoying. On the pro side though I loved the way the book was organized, a person can easily identify where a tip is, an exercise, and even a reminder.
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

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The night before I finally picked up "Vampire Academy" after it had been sitting in my bookshelf I watched the movie. The movie was amazing and stayed true to the book for the most part but it might have been a mistake to have watched it first. The book was good don't get me wrong, but I know I would have enjoyed a lot more if I didn't already know what was going to happen.
On top of that (I know some of you guys are gonna give me hell for this) it reminded me so much of the House Of Night series that came out just a few months before this series. The Vampire school, The power of Elements, the beautiful and powerful main character that would do anything for their friends, it was all so alike. I definitely have to say that I prefer the House Of Night series over this though, to be honest I'm not sure if I even want to continue reading this series....


1. [bc:Frostbite|2282133|Frostbite (Vampire Academy, #2)|Richelle Mead|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1361098960s/2282133.jpg|6651004] [b:Frostbite|2282133|Frostbite (Vampire Academy, #2)|Richelle Mead|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1361098960s/2282133.jpg|6651004] By: [a:Richelle Mead|137902|Richelle Mead|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1270374609p2/137902.jpg]

2. [bc:Marked|30183|Marked (House of Night, #1)|P.C. Cast|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1368453848s/30183.jpg|30573] [b:Marked|30183|Marked (House of Night, #1)|P.C. Cast|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1368453848s/30183.jpg|30573] By: [a:P.C. Cast|17015|P.C. Cast|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1347676514p2/17015.jpg]
Insatiable by Meg Cabot

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When I first picked this book up I was hooked! I loved the concept of a woman who can see how everyone is going to die falls in love with a Vampire. A huge reason being because he's already dead so she never envisions the end of his life. Of course at first Meena Harper doesn't know the man she's fallen for is undead, and actually despises his kind. The love story was really good and the book was packed with action of all sorts including vampire duels, vampire hunters, and a creature so unexpected and amazing, you have to read it to believe it. I really enjoyed the book, but eventually I just grew tired of reading it for some reason hence the three stars.


1. [bc:Overbite|9462815|Overbite (Insatiable, #2)|Meg Cabot|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1310327660s/9462815.jpg|14347737] [b:Overbite|9462815|Overbite (Insatiable, #2)|Meg Cabot|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1310327660s/9462815.jpg|14347737] BY: [a:Meg Cabot|11654|Meg Cabot|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1197201648p2/11654.jpg]

2. [bc:Whitby After Dark - Volume 1|20596816|Whitby After Dark - Volume 1|Stella Coulson|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1390720151s/20596816.jpg|28135127] [b:Whitby After Dark - Volume 1|20596816|Whitby After Dark - Volume 1|Stella Coulson|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1390720151s/20596816.jpg|28135127] BY: [a:Stella Coulson|7698278|Stella Coulson|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1390723359p2/7698278.jpg]
Slice of Cherry by Dia Reeves

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This book was... interesting. It was unlike anything that I've ever read before, Dia Reeves really let her imagination run wild on this one. It begins as the story of two girls, who are the daughters of the very infamous Bone saw Killer. The girls have quite a thirst for blood like their father did but they only kill the people whom they think deserve it like rapists, bullies, thieves. What starts off as a somewhat realistic novel spirals into this story of Reeve's overactive imagination and becomes so, well fake. All of a sudden one of the girls had magical powers, doors in their town lead to other worlds,monsters roam free, and all wishes come true. In the end this book was not really for me which is a bummer because when I read the synopsis I was really hoping it would be like one of my favorite novels, "Jenny Green's killer junior year", oh well.


1. [bc:Bleeding Violet|6364657|Bleeding Violet |Dia Reeves|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1335123378s/6364657.jpg|6551896] [b:Bleeding Violet|6364657|Bleeding Violet |Dia Reeves|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1335123378s/6364657.jpg|6551896] BY: [a:Dia Reeves|2885316|Dia Reeves|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1241028065p2/2885316.jpg]

2. [bc:Jenny Green's Killer Junior Year|2819108|Jenny Green's Killer Junior Year|Amy Belasen|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1400875509s/2819108.jpg|2845041] [b:Jenny Green's Killer Junior Year|2819108|Jenny Green's Killer Junior Year|Amy Belasen|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1400875509s/2819108.jpg|2845041] BY: [a:Amy Belasen|1226896|Amy Belasen|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1258502390p2/1226896.jpg]
Green Angel by Alice Hoffman

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This was a really fast read and felt very poetic throughout. It was a nice story about a girl who always thought of life as predictable until one day she loses everything and something snaps in her. Her journey into and back out of depression was really short and sweet. All along this girl was sweet and cared for those around her, helping them even if she had little to give. I've never really read anything quite like it and teaches readers to always have hope and stay strong because the sky will eventually clear even in the worst of days.


1. [bc:Green Witch|6636138|Green Witch (Green Angel, #2)|Alice Hoffman|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1269357527s/6636138.jpg|6830554] [b:Green Witch|6636138|Green Witch (Green Angel, #2)|Alice Hoffman|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1269357527s/6636138.jpg|6830554] By: [a:Alice Hoffman|3502|Alice Hoffman|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1390431605p2/3502.jpg]

Up All Night by Peter Abrahams, Patricia McCormick, David Levithan, Sarah Weeks, Gene Luen Yang, Laura Geringer Bass, Ariel Pollak, Libba Bray

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"Up all night" was a collection of stories written by 6 different bestselling authors. I lowed the concept of haying 6 different short stories that revolve around the same topic, an adventure that leads the main character to be up all night. My favorite of the stories definitely has to be "Phase 2", the first story of the 6. It tells about a family who just lost their father in a war and leads the mother into a great depression. Eventually the depression makes the mother reach a medium to do a séance in order to be reconnected with her lost husband. I gave the whole book in all 3 stars because while some stories were great some weren't that interesting. I can say one thing though, each of these stories has a deep moral to them that any reader can aspire from.