whatcha_listening_to's reviews
7107 reviews

A Humble Heart by R.L. Mathewson

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I would give this a 3.5 stars if I could. I liked it, it was a fun read, sad and serious at times. But it was kind of jumpy and new character names got added in a lot which was confusing. Over all good read. :)
The Choice: Coco's Story by Emme Gene

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5 The Choice Stars

I loved this book, I loved that we got the characters from the previous book. I love that the connection between them all is still there.

Odiously I like Coco best, ;) but what I wasn’t expecting was to like James and Mike as much. I knew it was going to be a choice between them but I liked Mike from Vegas Mishaps, but then we get to know Coco’s boss man and I liked him too!!

What I really enjoyed was that Coco really was drama free, she there are some ups and downs but she doesn’t dwell and she goes to her friends when she needed advice.

I can’t tell you how much I liked that. I won’t let it out of the bag who she picks because it’s a great book and you should read it. But I am happy with her Choice!

Overall a wonderful addition to this series.. I need more.. Mo.. and who is Angie really we get her sure but we don’t really know her. Looking forward to what is to come!

*You don't have to like my review but its 100% my opinion, and I am allowed to have it.*
All the Waters of the Earth by Leslie McAdam

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**Reviewed Previously for Books n Boys Book Blog**
5 Earthtastic Stars
All the Waters of the Earth by Leslie McAdams

First.. I have to say. WOW! This is a first book for me to read by this author and I am so very glad I got the chance. It won’t be the last I can tell you. I already have her other books in my kindle right this minute. That being said, this book is about becoming the you, you want to be, not the you, you think you should be.

Still with me? Good, Lucinda Figueroa or Lucy, as her friends and family call her, is a mom of a wonderful 12 year old boy Roberto aka Rob. She isn’t looking for love, not by a long shot, she is content with her life as a romance author working on her 16th book, a nude model for an art class, and full time momma. This lady as spunk she is feisty and tells it like it is. She doesn’t let thing feaster. I love this! It’s refreshing to read, a heroine who speaks her mind without waiting forever and it causing all kind of communication problems. She has such a supportive family, I flove her sister. She is a gem even if she isn’t featured much in the book I loved when she was in a scene.
“How’d you get one of them to come to life?” - Celia Figueroa

Jacob Slausen aka Jake, moves in next door to Lucy and Rob while his house is being remodeled. He is the typical workaholic guy right? Wrong, this gentleman looks like he could be on the cover of one of Lucy’s romance books or the Hero. He is work driven yes, but he has a past that speak to why he is so driven to success.
What I really enjoyed about Jake was how he never made excuses for himself. He was his real all the way through the book. I loved that he fought threw his fears and took a chance. Also it has to be said, anyone and I mean anyone, that comes in to a kids’ life and makes the effort especially with Minecraft, is Aces in my book. As a momma of 2 kids that were nuts about that game I totally get Lucy’s comment in her head.
‘The annoying music of Minecraft droning on’
And not only did he take the time to learn it but he really took the time to play it with him and find out his other interest. That’s a man I want to read about all day long.

“I’m not interested in perfect. I’m interested in real.” – Jake.

The first meeting between these two Lucy can’t believe her eyes it’s like he walked right out of her novel. And Jake is a little taken aback as well. He was coming to introduce himself and before him is this curve woman in a pink string bikini. One of the best meets I have read.
Getting the chance to watch these two fall for each other was pretty special. They both had to get over past hurts. Lucy with her ex how she was treated by him. Not only that, but how she had to be cautious because of her son and who she brings into not only her life but his as well. Jake, by this family, but also how he was dealing with being so demanded by his work that he has set for himself. But finding out they both had a creative side was pretty amazing. The growth and maturity of this book really made me want to keep reading. You know I am the quotes lady and I have a few more to share.
This is more of comments here how Lucy would say she wanted to get to know Jake better “for research purposes” yeah we so got her number. Also loved that she would call him handsome.
I loved how he would kiss her nose, I mean swoon am I right or am I right.
“I drew this curve today.” – Jake
“Show me your art. Show me what you’re hiding.” - Lucy

Last but not least we need talk about the recipes in this book.
I want and need to know what a tamale is and what it tastes like now. I will be googling chile relleno casserole is, and what is tortilla soup!
Sweetest Venom by Lucy Rivers, Jeremy York, Mia Asher

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** Reviewed Previously for Books n Boys Book Blog **

4 Frustratingly Beautiful Stars….

This is part 2 of Blair, Lawrence, and Ronan’s story. And I have to say I can’t recall a book that I had to put down because I was so frustrated with my own emotions.
I love him, I hate him, I love him, I hate him. Why can’t I choose… this is going on in my head the whole time I am reading… Frustrating I KNOW!!
Blaire, oh Blaire I can’t blame this girl she hasn’t had an easy life and she falls back on what she knows. Keeping herself safe and protected at all cost. Only in the process she hurts those around her. She grows so much in this book and she breaks my heart in it too. I can’t fault her for her choices who could? You see her struggle just as much with everything and everyone.

Awe Lawrence this sweet, sweet man has my heart. He is so stoic being hurt before he doesn’t want to go through that again so he put safe guards up. If paying for it will helps so be it, he does that so that he doesn’t have to feel that kind of loss again. When I picture him in my mine he is this strong formidable man with a soft center who needs the love of a good women. For the record I am totally Team Lawrence! 

Ronan oh boy she puts him through his paces. She breaks his heart at the end of the last book so we know he is going to be in some deep pain. And boy howdy I can’t help but feel for him and what his heart is going through. I wanted him to fight, fight, and fight for her. Watching him in this book I can’t tell if I like what he has become or if I fear it. You can’t have what you want so what is your choice? Move on or Wallow? I think he did a little of both… naughty, naughty Ronan… Yummy, Yummy Ronan.

Both of these men are amazing in their own right and to have loved and lost can’t be easy but how do you choose? How do you decide who you can’t live without? Can you love two people? These are some of the questions I asked myself while reading this book. Heck I even had a one sided convo with the hubs about these guys. That’s funny now that I think about it. Poor Hubby. Lmao

So I leave you with a confused head and heart because this book took all my emotions and threw them back at me. With these quotes,

“You make hell feel like heaven, Blaire.”

“Simple. I saw a man who wanted more.”

“I hate you for making me love you, and I hate myself because I can’t stop.”

“Give me a thousand lives and a thousand eternities, and I would still find you and make you mine. Always.”

“One lifetime wouldn’t be enough when I’m with you, babe.”

“There’s no room for logic when the heart is involved. To love is to lose all senses of reason.” - My favorite.
Unfixable by Tessa Bailey

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I would have to say I think Willow is one hell of a girl. Not only did she over come so much even if she didn't believe it. But to go through the life she did and came out with a good head on her shoulders. Damn I got to give the credit to her sister that is for sure.

I don't know how many times I have said this "I liked him but I thought he was a dick at the beginning." lmao I am sure if I look back in my reviews that line will be in a lot of them. This book is no exception.
I did like him but yes he was a dick with good reason. Also swoon the Irish!

I <3'd Faith she deserves a man to take care of her. She had a hard childhood too. And seems to me Kitty's marriage wasn't the best of times either. But that being said.

I am so happy it worked out in the end, I loved the epilogue to pieces!
Turning Back by J.A. Huss

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4.5 Turning Back Stars

After book 1 I was begging for this book I needed to know. And Juss has out done herself. I loved this book.

This triangle of Quin, Bric, and Rochelle is something you need to experience. It’s not conventional and who cares right love doesn’t care if you love one person two or more.

The emotions each one feels and how they are all inter locked it’s kinda genius. I loved it, ok I think I said that already but really Bric really took the book for me. I enjoyed his banter his scenes heck everything about him. He thought he was being so sly.

Quin and I were not on the same page at the beginning and I understand why he was so angry and hurt. I did forgive him as the book goes one, I can’t be mad at him for long.

Rochelle had a lot of redeeming to do in my eyes and she really does. I love how much she loves and how much she wanted to show her forgiveness.

But I will say Adley totally steals the show! I love when babies are in books they really do steal the scenes.

*You don't have to like my review but its 100% my opinion, and I am allowed to have it.*
Claiming Addison by Zoey Derrick

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Oh damn this was smoking HOT HOT HOT. I was not expecting to like this book so much. I was expecting a lot of holes when your reading about three it can get all muddled up but nope the writing it spot on and I can't get enough.

I can't get over how well the three fit. I mean it isn't easy to make there relationship work but it just does. I think it helped that Talon and Kyle were long time friends first. Then Addison comes in and how she fits it just seemed right.

So I loved the book and read on to the second one....
Trying to Score by Toni Aleo

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Was it just me or did anyone else think Fallon was a crazy bitch of a momma bear all because she was scared afraid and felt threatened? I totally got it but wow she got to me sometimes I wanted to be like woooh lady back up. I thought Lucas was a bit of a pushover but I understand why he didn't want to lose what he found I get that. And it worked they balanced each other out really well. And lets not for get Mr. Aiden totally stole the story in my books I <3 that kid. I was so happy to see Elli and Shea make an appearance to! Woot on to the next book!