whatcha_listening_to's reviews
7107 reviews

The Stars in the Sky by Leslie McAdam

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5 Stars in the Sky Stars

Here is something you might not know about me, I love cowboys. I think it all steams from the first harlequins I would borrow from my grand-mamma. But every time I read about a cowboy I get the warm fuzzes, my heart beats just a little bit faster. So already Will had an advantage.

Now I started this one as an e-book, but then I bought the paperback signed, and well I had to wait and read it that way. So glad I did because NOTHING beats a paperback. Oh and my favorite reading spot.

Ok back to the review, Will ranch owner hot as F… cowboy. Who is a Republican, loves his parents, wants to help people and live off his land.
Marie, a beautiful self-assured hippie, who loves life, animals and being a vegan. Oh and who is a Democrat.

“Perhaps because I was thinking more about our situations than our differences.” – Marie

I loved the first meeting between these two, no I am not going to tell you how it happened pick up the book. I also loved the entire dialog in this book. It was so very hard to stop reading the e-book because Will he just sucks you in, you don’t have to like him because yes he can be a bit of an asshole, but he is a sexy, kind asshole you want to get to know better.

“You make me feel like home. You comfort me. You protect me. I don’t want to hide anything from you.” – Marie

Marie is just the right person to bring him back to the world of the living, sure he was fine before but was he really happy? It’s a thought that has been going through my head since finishing last night. I don’t think he was.

Also side notes before I finish, a drunk Will is a cute as F… Will. Oh and loopholes are the best!

Final thought because I had to say it, the after the epilogue with a young Will scene, that was EPIC. Holy HOT, thank you for that! I will just be over here Swooning.

*All my Reviews are 100% honest and my own.*
The Affair by Giana Darling

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** Reviewed Previously for Books n Boys Book Blog **

First do NOT be alarmed by the title. Believe me I know what some of you are thinking, "No not for me" and move on … Don’t do that.

I get asked a question all the time, " what do you not like with your romance" and the first thing I say is cheating and cliff-hangers. I admit to not even picking a book up knowing if it has either of those two things. However ... I promise you this book is worth it.

Elle meets Sinclair while she is horribly air sick on the plane headed for a week in Mexico. Staying at a resort before flying home to be with her family whom she has not seen in a few years while she was away in Paris.

They seem to have this connection like magnets. Sinclair kind of comes on to her, he knows he should stay away but can’t help himself. He even admits it.

“I have never wanted someone the way I want you.”

“But I don’t like the idea that you could very well change my life.”

Come to pass they are in the same hotel, dancing ensues, dinner and once alone he asks her if she has ever had a holiday affair. Before they can get in to what it would all in tale some of his business associates join them for dinner. One being a Rock star named Cage who is charming and kind of stole a piece of my heart .. he can keep it. This whole time Elle is thinking about Sin’s offer, one week no attachments, no personal info.

She wants to do the right thing, doesn’t want to mess up someone’s relationship but she wants this man with bone deep need.

Once things get started they get STARTED… Oh wow was it HOT…

“We only have a few minutes so do as I say.”

“Stand against the wall.”

Sin is a pretty confident character; masculine, knows what he wants and goes after it. But I have the feeling it’s a front for his own insecurities. His has a way of pushing people away, like if he looks unapproachable no one will see past to what he is really hiding. Elle sees past that, she brings the boy out of the man.

So as the story progresses, the rules fall away and things start to get blurry, connections are made and people are going to get hurt. For the most part Elle kind of puts it out of her mind that Sin is in a long term partnership. But when "she" calls while Elle is in the room things start to really come to life. And they won’t have much more time left.

Problem is he is falling and she has already fallen.

This book was so beautifully written. So in the end I need the next book like right now. I won’t even let myself read the teaser because I will want to throw my kindle across the room. I foresee some really interesting turns in the next book. I was shocked at how this baby ended. I want to become Giana Darling’s besties bestie and pick her brain about what is to come with these two.

I am converted from a – I’ll NEVER read a cheating book – To a – I will give anything a try :)

Reviewed by Pam N. 5 Sizzling Shivery Stars