whatpageareyouon's reviews
506 reviews

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

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Shelley's character development for the Creature alone is enough to give this book 5 stars. Shelley introduces hate and empathy in one character in such a way to feel conflicted of what to feel as a reader, much like our very own lives. 'Frankstein' is important in teaching tolerance, as well as questioning what makes people human and where does our way of thinking truly begin?
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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I want to see boa constrictors digesting elephants forever.
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer

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To exist is enough alone to give someone heavy boots. Oskar displays passion fueled by innocence. Somewhere along the way of becoming adults, we all seem to feel less and less, and don't ask why. 'Why?' is often a thought I felt Oskar asked himself over and over. Not just at his father's death, but at humanity. Are we all waiting to feel compassion? Are we all waiting for something to overflow us with grief before we can truly know how to live?