whimsicalwoodlandwanderer's reviews
130 reviews

Paper Butterflies by Lisa Heathfield

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Trigger Warnings: Abuse (both physical and psychological)

This book was quite dark in places, but there were patches of light.
The story went in a completely different direction than I was expecting, but it was still good.

I recommend you read this book while you are in a positive state though, because it is so brutally honest on some topics that it could drag you down.
It is such a simple book but it packs a wallop.
Night Owls by Jenn Bennett

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I can't art. This book made me want to do art. But I can't.
I really love reading about things that I can't do, because then it;s like I'm doing them but I'm not messing it up??

This book was apart of my read-all-the-fluffy-contemporary-books-I-can-find thing and it did not disappoint.
Made You Up by Francesca Zappia

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Francesca Zappia is definitely an author I'm watching out for in the future.
I read Eliza and Her Monsters (Which was released after this one) earlier this year and loved it. I didn't love this one as much as I loved Eliza but I still loved it none the less.
There aren't many books which talk about Schizophrenia and conditions like it, and I feel like there should be more of them.

One of the things I loved about this book was that, while the mental illness of Alex was the main focus of the story, it also focused on the world around her and how she reacts to it.
I feel like in some instances people assume that one mental illness is the same for everybody and so the same "treatment" will work for everybody. This is not the case. Everyone has their own coping mechanisms for dealing with their own unique mental illnesses (in the book, Alex takes pictures so that she can go back to them and see if what she saw at the time had been real or not).

I love Zappias' writing and her books are always so beautifully crafted (both in the story itself and its format). Also.... how come the covers are always so damn beautiful????
The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

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*sobs* Why did it have to end???

I just gonna jump straight to the point. I loved this book. A lot. Like more than a lot. Lot isn’t a strong enough word. I have an abundance of love for this book. (Now abundance is a fancier word….)

The world in this book (if you want to get literal… the island) was written in a way that made it so vivid and real. Like, not only can I imagine it but I feel as though I can actually see it. Like, just wake up tomorrow buy a ticket and be on my way to Thisby. I really want to go to Thisby……

The Capaill Uisce are literally terrifying (specifically the one that appears when Puck, Finn and Dove are in the lean-to) but so beautiful sounding and I want them to be my friends but they’ll probably eat me soooooo.. I’ll just admire from afar while they jump around in the the sea and eat everything they see.

Imagine having an army of bloodthirsty water horses…. That would be one epic battle scene…

I have never wanted to ride a horse more than I did while I was reading this book.

I also really want to eat these November Cakes?? There is a recipe in the back of my book (I think it depends on which edition you have??) sooooo, I wanna try to make them and then probably EAT THEM ALLLLLLL!!!!

Yet again another dual POV book that has both surprised me and punched me right in the feels. (I’m having a pretty good year in regard to dual POVs, I usually can’t follow them very long because I get confused).

I love that Puck and Sean have completely different problems, as appose to both main characters fighting for the same thing. But watching them power through these problems with so much determination and then watching them help each other (teamwork = WIN!!!) fills me with such joy. I also feel proud?? They are now my children.

Sean and Puck were cute together but I think everyone is over looking the real ship here. Corr and Dove…. I ship it.

Overall, I’d rate this book 5 out of 5 stars!!
I loooooved the story I will treasure it forever. But I think the real gem for me was the writing. It flowed so easily and suited the story so well. I’m so glad I picked this up, and I am really looking forward to reading more of Stiefvater’s books.
More Than We Can Tell by Brigid Kemmerer

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Rev is so precious!!! I read this whole book in one sitting and may or may not have cried a lot.....
Letters to the Lost by Brigid Kemmerer

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I enjoyed this a whole lot more than I was expecting to. I need more! :D

REV NEEDS MORE!!! WHERE'S REV??? oh, he has a book. It's okie. I'll just cry.
Soundless by Richelle Mead

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3.5 stars out of 5. Rtc.
An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson

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5/5 stars!

One of the best books I've read this year! I literally loved everything, I cannot think of anything I didn't love.

I'll definitely be looking out for more books by this author in the future!