whitegirlwasteland's reviews
202 reviews

Crank by Ellen Hopkins

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I love this book! I never wanted it to end. The crazy cycle of her life is so intense and I just got so wrapped up in this story. I read it in a day and a half. It's so good. I can't wait to go buy the sequel and read it now.
Scribbler of Dreams by Mary E. Pearson

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I love this book. It's probably one of my top 5 favorites of all times. It's a love story, obviously, but the history of the main character's town and family also play a big role in the novel.
New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

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I kind of hated this book. When I read it, I could just feel how sad Bella was, and it made me feel terrible. The ending was good, but that's just about the only good part of this book. The rest of it, I only read because I needed the rest of the information.
Peeps by Scott Westerfeld

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I like the way this book portrays vampires. It's less of a mythological creature and more of a virus, a parasite. I'm really likin' it thus far.
Wicked: Witch & Curse by Nancy Holder

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Thus far, I really like the book. It's completely tragic, but I think good things are going to come out of what happened to her. I like how much detail the writer goes into about the magicks and whatnot. I recommend it.
Like We Care by Tom Matthews

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This novel is really just sticking it to the man. Any rebelious teenager, or person in general really, ought to read it. It's good for some laughs, and there are some really great quotes to live by, also.
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

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I haven't gotten far yet, but it's interesting up to this point. Kinda weird, but I think it's going to be a good read.