wildc's reviews
196 reviews

The 7 Secrets of the Prolific: The Definitive Guide to Overcoming Procrastination, Perfectionism, and Writer's Block by Hillary Rettig

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Lots of good insights about perfectionism and creative block in this book, as well as ideas of how to overcome it.

The only thing that prevented me from giving the book more stars is my feeling that the author had so much to say and might have been better saying it over a number of books. I was left feeling a bit breathless at the end but it may just be that I read the book too fast!

The author clearly has a lot of good stuff to say so it may just be a question of reading the relevant parts slowly and referring back to the book if/when other parts become more relevant in your life.
Still Writing: The Perils and Pleasures of a Creative Life by Dani Shapiro

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An enjoyable combination of memoir and writer's how to.
Perfect for any creative who has faced the question "Are you still...(writing/painting/acting/composing/fill-in-the-blank)?" - and which of us haven't?
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

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I wasn't a big fan of Eat, Pray, Love so I wasn't expecting too much from this book but it turned out to be one of the best books on the creative life that I've read - and I've read a lot! Side-splittingly funny and profound at the same time, Elizabeth Gilbert debunks a good number of urban myths about the creative life while sharing her down to earth perspective on how to keep creating in the face of fear and rejection - and still come out believing in creative magic. If you're in need of a creative kick in the pants, read this immediately and I defy you not to feel re-inspired!
Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype by Clarissa Pinkola Estés

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This is a book to read over and over at different times in your life and discover something new. Estés fuses her knowledge of traditional folk tales and Jungian archetypes to reveal their relevance in every day life. Aimed mostly at women but also at men wanting to get more in touch with their Yin side, this is psychological alchemy at its best. I've turned to this book at junctions and crises in my life and have always come out with a clearer understanding of where I need to go as a result.
Louder Than Words: Harness the Power of Your Authentic Voice by Todd Henry

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This book makes a good stab at analysing the different components that might come together to create this elusive element that we think of as 'voice', together with practical exercises to help you go about refining yours.

While Todd Henry's writing is always predominantly aimed at creatives working in a company environment, there's always enough take-aways in his work for solo-preneurs and artists to make his books a worthwhile read.