wildfl0wersss's reviews
76 reviews

Manifesto Flora by Cyntha Hariadi

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aku suka bgt sama gaya penulisannya. gaya penulisan mbak cyntha hariadi mengingatkan aku sama prosa-prosanya margaret atwood (yg original bkn translated). aku suka dengan metafora-metafora yang dipakai. hal-hal ironis diceritakan dengan metafora yang indah. hal-hal sederhana diceritakan jadi luar biasa. dan aku jadi paham kenapa judulnya manifesto flora!
Hujan Bulan Juni by Sapardi Djoko Damono

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penuh dengan permainan kata-kata yang nampaknya sederhana saja namun mampu membolakbalik pikiranmu untuk dapat mengerti pikiran sarwono dan pingkan.
Lingkar Tanah Lingkar Air by Ahmad Tohari

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aku pertama kali baru baca karyanya Ahmad Tohari. aku tertarik baca karena genrenya fiksi histori. dalam buku ini, meskipun mengangkat sejarah indonesia zaman kemerdekaan hingga pemberontakan PKI, namun bahasa yang digunakan dalam penggambaran setting, perasaan dan pikiran karakter mudah untuk dicerna pembaca. mungkin buat yang senggang bisa one sitting read. banyak juga nilai-nilai dari ceritanya yang masih kontekstual dengan keadaan bangsa kita sekarang. terutama untuk muslim. jadi bisa refleksi dan kontemplasi soal bagaimana muslim dalam bernegara dan bermasyarakat di Indonesia.
Aku: Berdasarkan Perjalanan Hidup Dan Karya Penyair Chairil Anwar by Sjuman Djaya

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sebuah naskah film yang kenovel-novelan. sangat menikmatinya.
And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini

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made me cry in many parts. heartbreakingly beautiful, unpredictable, and moving.
Tentang Kamu by Tere Liye

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baca dari judulnya aku kira ini kisah romansa haha. ternyata lebih dari itu. tidak secetek itu. ini tentang hidup seorang perempuan, dengan dinamikanya yang terjal. karya tere liye... tak perlu diragukan lagi. selalu sarat makna dan nilai. selalu dapat mengambil banyak pelajaran hidup dari cerita dan tokohnya.
Laut Bercerita by Leila S. Chudori

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this book depicts perfectly the struggle of reformation in 1998. after reading this, I was digging more about the history of 1998 and the human right violations towards the activists by the regime. unbelievable! i literally sobbed.

i regret that i just read this when i was already graduated. if not, probably I'd do the activist stuff more in college. i just didn't like the unnecessary sex parts.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

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i remember reading this book when i was in high school, the translated one. i digested the narrative bit by bit and learned about the value that this book brought easily. it had given me a new perspective about the social injustice and racism in USA through a child's eye. it delivered the value smoothly though not that deep. and the ending was just somehow hanging and it kinda bothered me at that time. but eventhough the conflict hadn't solved, the purpose of delivering the topic was done. and i guess that was what this book all about.
Matilda by Roald Dahl

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thank you for my mom who always came late to pick me up from english lesson, and LPIA Bambu Apus for providing lobby with books, and one of them was this book, so I could read it while waiting for my mom. i remember i really enjoyed the story and felt really bothered by mathilda's psycho family. i was inspired by her spirit and love for learning.