wishfulfillment's reviews
2153 reviews

Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

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I did enjoy Perkins' slight moments of including realism into her work, particularly in the characters of Calliope and Lola's birthmom. I liked Cricket as a male lead and I enjoyed the costume-loving aspect of Lola's character.

However, I found Lola's relationship with Max really uncomfortable to read. Maybe I could credit Perkins for writing an uncomfortable relationship, but I think that it wasn't intention for the relationship to be so uncomfortable. I would have liked it better if there was more of an emphasis on Lola's behaviors being unsavory. I would have appreciated it if Lola's self-reflection was deeper. I think that this story was a good first draft and I think that it would have benefitted from more bulk or from being turned into a new adult or adult novel. As a young adult novel, it was lacking for me.
Black Rose Alice, Tome 4 by Setona Mizushiro

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There is a fine line between discussing a unique point of view and inflicting a unique point of view onto others. I felt that the author put more of her own values into this volume than the others, but I could be wrong. I found myself disappointed in this volume and struggled to get back into the story between chapters 18 and 19. I am still going to finish this, because it is very unique and entertaining, and because this mangaka continues to be one of my favorites.
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

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Dropped around the 50 page mark.