wokeupbricked's reviews
133 reviews

2023 on Goodreads by Various

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*LAST UPDATED* October 17th:

GOAL: 110/100 books ✔️

Kraai & koninkrijk by Leigh Bardugo

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0% one star and two star rating out of more than 500k+ reviews really says how much of a masterpiece this series is.
I rest my case here-

"No mourners, No funerals."
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

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This is the worst YA fantasy I have ever read. The characters are horrible, the story is super boring, the villain is the most non-threatening vanilla ass bitch. The love triangle is done horribly. The writing is horrendous. And don't get me started on the amount of continuous useless monotonous info being dumped upon the readers.

My time, money and brain cells have brilliantly been wasted, and I'm not gonna waste it further by writing a long review on how horrible this book was (not that there's anything to write either lmao, Cassandra Clare gave us nothing).
Thus, keeping it short-

- Clary:- Most annoying, whiny ass brat who thinks she is tough by slapping people unnecessarily. And yes, most importantly "she is not like other girls". My condolences to other characters in the book for tolerating her.

-Jace:- People like him? How even? I don't even have anything to say about him except that he is blonde and has eyes that look like some syrup ( End this misery already please). He is all "mysterious", "grumpy", "not like other boys" (Totally fit to be Clary's boyfriend, or even something else *cough cough*). He's a wannabe tough guy who ends up making stupid mistakes and throwing his "sarcastic" punch lines at unnecessary places. Literally, he and Clary can just run far away from this world to live their sweet life together, for all I care. I just want this mess of a misery to end. (Sorry that doesn't even make sense, but I have already sold my braincells to a devil for this book).

- Simon:- Stupid, annoying, most unwanted person.

- Alex:- No character. Present just for the sake of unnecessary drama.

-Izzy:- The only tolerable character.

- Other Characters (Too lazy to even remember them all)- boring asf.

City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare

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Good Lord, forgive me for giving this series a second chance.

This book slapped me hard in the face, and knocked out all the remaining brain cells.


I'm so mentally broken down right now, I just wanna scream and cry for wasting my time on this shit. I HATE my friend for recommending me this garbage.

I respect people's opinions, but anyone who loves this series, please please stay 10ft away from me