wynnz's reviews
213 reviews

Neander by Harald Johnson

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What a charming and captivating story. Very little excitement, but strangely engrossing in its delivery. Definitely a feel good read, no mind bending paradoxes, just a lovely story.
Extinction Game by Gary Gibson

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An interesting premise, end of days multiplied by a factor of infinity (not sure if that's a real thing or not). For me it was a slow start, it took me a little while to get into it, if you know what I mean, up until around 30% of the book, then it started getting interesting, the plotline thickened and the intrigue increased, it turned out to be a reasonably good story, with a whodunnit type of plot. I'm glad I persevered.
Exploitation by Harald Johnson

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A continuation of the first book, along the same vein as the last, a feel good book. Nothing much happening, a journey to save his daughter's life, unfortunately no excitement.
Survival Game by Gary Gibson

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Book two of the Apocalypse Duology series, a bunch of people running around alternate universes, scavenging stuff they think is useful. It was ok, it had its moments, some intrigue, but not a lot. It was a steady read, easy going, easy to follow. Just enough to keep me interested, but only just. I will read the third and last book in the duology (yes I know) just to see how it ends, as they say “in for a penny in for a pound”.
Sten by Allan Cole, Chris Bunch

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Didn’t know what to expect, the blurb sounded good, I thought I'd give it a bash. It was quite good. I enjoyed it, plenty of gory well written fight scenes, an ok-ish plot, what’s not to like.
Doomsday Game by Gary Gibson

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Not a bad ending to the series,it went out with more of a whimper than a bang, although Randell went out with a bang.
I enjoyed the books overall, interesting enough, to keep me engaged throughout. Plenty going on in the plotline.
A Page in Your Diary by Keith A. Pearson

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WOW! What a banal story: BUT here’s the kicker, I couldn't for the life of me put the bloody thing down. I know right, it doesn't make any sense, a humongous oxymoron. The author, somehow through hypnosis or some other skullduggery, draws you in by wrapping you in a fluffy, cuddly blanket, hands you a delicious hot chocolate, places you in front of a crackling log fire and begins his story telling, and what a story it is. Engrossing, enthralling, enchanting, brought tears to my eyes and a chuckle in a few places. If you were in your twenties during the 80’s and British, then it will definitely resonate with you, as it did with me. A nostalgic trip back in time. If you have a few hours handy, then you should definitely read this book, it is absolutely awesome.
Space Team by Barry J. Hutchison

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10 STARS, what! were only allowed to give five stars maximum, OK

5 STARS then.

Wow what a book, I haven't laughed so hard reading a book for oh I don't know how long, bloody hilarious, the wit, the sarcasm, was like a breath of fresh air. I actually physically laughed out loud. I am definitely going to read more of this series, that’s for sure. Where has this author been all my life? The main character is a real character, I loved him, morally bankrupt but with a heart of gold, a cad, a wise guy, scallywag, scamp, scoundrel, call him whatever you want, but I called him funny, very funny. He had an answer for everything, a sarcastic one at that, especially the “captain on the bridge " comment, cracked me up something awful. Cal my main man.
Northwind by J.D. Kirk

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Loved it, loved the characters, loved the plotline. Jack Reacher meets Taggart and Kevin Bridges, what’s not to like. Laughed my bloody socks off. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. One of the best books I've read, couldn’t fault it, I want more please sir!
Birthright by Rick Partlow

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Caleb releases the Machine. It’s virtually non-stop action, good story line, plenty going on to keep you entertained, and at the end of the day, that’s why we read this type of stuff, tech babble is believable. Good set of characters, developed enough to invest some empathy with them. Yes, indeed not a bad sci-fi book, worth the time and effort, well in my opinion anyway.