xanderrabbit's reviews
88 reviews

Rose Petal Breath: A Poetic Collection of Beautiful and Lovely Things by Morgan Davis

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you can both be happy,
but that doesn’t mean
that you have to be together.

the stars are still beautiful
even though they are
thousands of miles apart.

This was completely gorgeous. I flagged almost every single poem. It was so hard to decide which one to use for the review. The only reason it’s not 5 stars is because it was kind of repetitive.

4.5/5 stars

Incarnadine: Poems by Mary Szybist

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There was something soft and moist about her,
a dare, a rage, an intolerable tenderness.

I have been wanting to read this for two years and it paid off. 5/5. 10/5. 100/5.
Dreams You Thought Were Lost by Galya Varna

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i seem to be in the minority but i didn’t enjoy this :( felt like poetry for children which is fine if that is what your audience is, it just didn’t feel very mature.
Burn Lake by Carrie Fountain

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this simple
learning; learning
how to hold
and hope together;

this was good but not a fav. 3.5 rounded to 4
inflorescence by Mecca-Amirah Jackson

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DNF at p. 93 of 292

i feel really bad cause this started off really strong. it went downhill fast and it was SO repetitive i just could not get through it.

there were some good poems/lines mixed in , i really liked “tease i”. however, the titles of these poems were so lackluster and honestly it would have been more impactful if they were left off.

some of these poems were straight up not poetry. like:

“ ‘a bad boy can be redeemed’
-a damaging trope”

like, yeah, i agree, that’s important and anyone who knows me knows that i will rant about the problems with that trope for hours. but those lines within themselves are not poetry they are literally just words in a “poetic” format lol

that’s pretty much all i have to say i love the concept and the title and the magical realism vibe and i think with some more practice and editing mecca-amirah jackson will go far.

2.5 i guess
My Index of Slightly Horrifying Knowledge by Paul Guest

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2.5 stars. as a disabled person i had high hopes for this. unfortunately i couldn’t get past the way Guest referred to women and his relationships with women. read very patriarchal/borderline misogynistic to me.
Sink by Desireé Dallagiacomo

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4.5 only because there are poetry books i like slightly more that i’ve left 5
The Orphan of Awkward Falls by Keith Graves

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read this book as a kid and just remembered it and had to mark it read cause it shaped me as a child. 10/10