xiraani's reviews
72 reviews

It Starts with Us by Colleen Hoover

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Solid 3
before you come after me- i want to explain myself.
The book wasn’t bad, I just didn’t find it that entertaining. It was a really fast and easy read, i read for 6 hours straight and i finished it in a day.
The whole problem with this book is that it really wasn’t something that would make me feel a certain way. Perhaps, mesmerized, happy, sad, etc. The writing style sure made me want to continue reading for hours and I don’t argue on that.
Sadly, the book is nothing more than an expected continuing of [b:It Ends With Us|27362503|It Ends with Us (It Ends with Us, #1)|Colleen Hoover|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1470427482l/27362503._SY75_.jpg|43940889]. If I need to be honest, I didn’t quite catch what would have changed if Atlas didn’t have a brother. There was some useless story line that didn’t do anything for the plot except for drawing out the attention from the main topic.
In 27 Days by Alison Gervais

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Solid 5/5 stars
One of the best romance books I‘ve read so far.
I couldn’t put down the book. I had some work to get done, but around 1am I started reading. It’s currently 5:36 am as I‘m writing this and I‘ve just finished the book. I’m absolutely mesmerized.
“In this case, twenty-seven days is the amount of time it took Archer Morales to first consider taking his own life and then to finally go through with it.”

It was obvious by the way Archer spoke about him, and by his expression, that Chris was the man he considered to be his real father. Blood had nothing to do with it.

If he managed to open his eyes just a little bit, he might possibly find that maybe his penguin was right in front of him.

“I don’t like the way he was looking at you,” Archer finally said, glancing over at me. “Like you were something to eat.”

“Death . . .” Tears started to splash down my cheeks without my control. “I’m . . . I’m dead. I’m dead, aren’t . . . aren’t I?

you were just as lonely as Archer was. Just as lost. Just as scared as what the future would hold for you.

“You know, if you ever do something to me like that again, I’m going to kill you myself.”

“And I just keep thinking about the last thing I said to you. And, Hadley, you just . . . You were dead there for those few minutes. I never wanted to think about what I would do if I lost you.”

“I really . . . haveanappreciationforpenguinsnow.”…
“You think I’m your penguin,”
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

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I’ve probably waited for too long to start this book but at least I read it. The tension, the fear, the hunger, I could feel everything. I waited until I forgot most of the movie so I can read in peace. I was amazed by the writing and I’m looking forward to starting the second book.
The Marauders: Year One by Pengiwen

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Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

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If I say i’m in love, I won’t be lying.