yiuve's reviews
35 reviews

Whit by Cora Rose

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I mean, only thing that i liked was Calebs sexuality awakening - i like a man, oh, okay, and thats it. Very low key and kinda sweet. 
The rest gave me nothing...
Sappho: A New Translation of the Complete Works by Sappho

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I dont think its up to me to rate this. 
It beautiful and i wish we had more of it left. 
"Once again Love, that loosener of limbs,
bittersweet and inescapable, crawling thing,
seizes me."
The King's Men by Nora Sakavic

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I cant give any of the books more than a 4. I like them (but i've read better aftg fanfiction so there's that)
Soul Eater by Lily Mayne

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It fell flat for me
I don't belive in their love one bit
Choking Back the Devil by Donna Lynch

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I'm both victim and muse
And I'm glad i can help
Practice Makes Perfect by Sarah Adams

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Literally almost nothing interesting happens and its so cliche (which i wouldn't even mind is it was interesting). The last fourth of the book was cute, I guess
You've Lost a Lot of Blood by Eric LaRocca

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What does the fact that i relate to a serial kuller form a horror story say about me -
Generally, I think that the book is okay. But the ending really hit me
when they talk about despising yourself and feeling like nothing you do will ever be original or good enough... I just, I dont know, I understand that.