yoongitloml's reviews
116 reviews

Call Me By Your Name by André Aciman

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“I'm like you,' he said. 'I remember everything.'

Boy! Where do I start! I read the book, then I watched the movie, then I read the book again and then I watched the movie again.
The story deals amply with human intimacy. Intimacy that makes you understand every shred of another human being, that makes you relate to someone at such a level that you basically identify that person as a part of your very identity. Such connection happen only one in a lifetime.

Call Me by Your Name is a sultry, all consuming and a remarkable coming of age novel about love and fixation, passion and accepting who you are. This is not a clichéd romantic novel! Not even close to it! It is invigorating, sad, tender, poetic and intimate. One of those books that can make you go from intense happiness and walking on the clouds one minute, to absolute sadness with nary a ray of hope in sight in another.
Reading this book needed a lot of patience, and that's what love requires, a lot of patience.

“We are not written for one instrument alone; I am not, neither are you.”

overall rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

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I loved it. This book hit me in my feels, and I'm still crying over it.
Don't think anymore, just read it.
The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides

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" We’re all crazy, I believe, just in different ways"
Oh. My. Freaking. God.
This has to be the best psychological thriller that I have EVER read. I loved every part of it, but it ma not be a good choice for you, if you want to sleep at night. This book is absolutely unputdownable, and you WILL not be able to sleep at night, until and unless you have finished this book. I was up till 3 am in the morning when i had finally finished this book, it was SO good.
The story is basically about an artist, Alicia Berenson, she was 33 years old when she shot her husband, and now she just wouldn't speak about the murder, she wouldn't speak anything at all. The new psychotherapist at the hospital that she had been since the last 6 years, he was determined to find out what really happened to her.
I loved everything about this book. The way the story developed, how the psychotherapist's life resonated so much like Alicia's life, the way WE can't trust anyone throughout the book, how gripped I was to the book, I just loved it. Although I did suspect what had really happened with Alicia, but the twists and turns just made me not trust my suspicions, and made the book 110% more interesting. And I just loved the fact the it was Alicia who reveled her story and not somebody else.

If you love reading thriller book, this may be the one book for you. And if you like books, you will definitely love this book.
"love that doesn’t include honesty doesn’t deserve to be called love"

Overall rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

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“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.”

I was 13 when I first read this book and then I thought this book was just a love story, but now after re-reading it 2 years I've realized that this is not JUST a love story, it's a story of formation of a strong and independent female protagonist, a nineteenth-century feminist, light-years ahead of its time.

Jane Eyre is the quintessential Victorian novel. From a very young age Jane had the clarity of intelligence to recognize the injustice that was her life, she makes me want to be a better person. Her goodness, her humility, her frankness, her passion, her fierce will and her moral compass are all inspiring.
And yet, I also love her faults. Jane has a temper, she gets jealous and she is not afraid to fight back.

I loved every part of this book, but I had the Vintage Classic edition, and Mr. Rochester's daughter is French, so all her dialogues are in French, I know no French, so basically, I don't know ANYTHING what that young girl was saying the entire time
The Whispers by Greg Howard

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If you walked down the road during pride parade, you would think that everyone is on board and fully aware that diversity strengthens us all.
Levis has a line of jeans with the rainbow flag, H&M has Rainbow Socks and even Target has a line of clothing just for Pride.
But in the everyday lives of 11 year old boys and girls, parents/teachers/friends often do not know how to talk about sexual orientation. This is why “The Whispers” and the characters of author Greg Howard are so important. Riley is a boy who is in the midst of a life crisis. His mother is missing and he has a secret that others whisper about.

Our young people today need to meet Riley, who is brave and vulnerable. Regardless of a readers sexuality, we all need to meet this young boy. We need to read more diverse and beautiful characters that are real and raw. I am grateful for each chapter of this book and everything this story helped me feel. This books is so touching and beautiful and heartfelt, I even ugly-cried.

Overall Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5
This Lie Will Kill You by Chelsea Pitcher

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"...They climbed into the car together, three little criminals ducking their heads. Three little lairs, beautiful and terrifying in their capacity for love, their capacity for vengeance."

Clue meets Riverdale in this page-turning thriller that exposes the lies five teens tell about a deadly night one year ago. The story begins with five people getting an invite to a murder mystery dinner they didn’t sign up for, which is already quite unusual. What’s more unusual is that it’s a very exclusive guest list, and the winner of this dinner gets $50,000. Something is definitely off here! At the creepy old mansion where the “dinner” is, suspicion abounds and the secrets begin pouring out.

What I love about this book is that it alternates between the present and the past, showing flashes of what happened one year ago and of course, there are several plot twists – who committed the crime? Who wants revenge? Is anyone really who they seem to be? And will everyone reveal their secrets? The last bit of the book was the most interesting, with everything being revealed, and the mysteries of both, the past and the present being solved. I loved the ending!

Overall Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

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“In new situations, all the trickiest rules are the ones nobody bothers to explain to you. (And the ones you can't Google.)”
This is my first Rainbow Rowell book and I love her now! I love this book till infinity and beyond!

A well-written coming of age novel, Fangirl follows Cath's journey as she navigates the world of university and discovers her identity separate from that of her twin. Lost completely in a fictional fantasy world, Cath spends most of her time writing fan-fiction revolving around the fictional characters of Simon Snow and his arch enemy Baz. Having grown up as a twin, Cath is more dependent on Wren and a huge introvert.

This story not only brings out the contrast between the two girls, but it shows us that the world has a lot to offer if we only let it. Cath learns to find her way, forming a weird bond with her roommate, finding love and facing betrayal.
Fangirl is real, the romance is real the people are real the issues they deal with are real . I am asking you to read it because its not just about fan fiction, this charming quick paced read dealing with issues of social anxiety, family, friendship.
P.S. The excerpts form the fan fiction that Cath wrote have been given in the end of every chapter, but oh god I found them boring so I kinda never read the fanfic.

Overall Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5