youreadtoomuch's reviews
326 reviews

Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense by Laurence Perrine

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 16%.
Outdated. And white. And male first. 
Things I Don't Want to Know: On Writing by Deborah Levy

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reflective slow-paced


Some writers, I'd say all but there are some just so fully self-absorbed to properly reflect on why they should not be writing more about their life. Anyway, some writers have life figured out. Not to it's purpose but to the joy of living and the rest. Deborah Levy was a pleasure to read. I've come to understand that some writers see life in a way I never will and I get to still experience it through these autobiographical pieces. Like yeah, sometimes you are just a girl. Crying on an escalator.
The Romantics by Galt Niederhoffer

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I saw the movie a couple of years ago and fell in love with it. Couldn't get enough of it and, until recently, I learned it was based off a book and simply had to get a hold of it. Partial reason being that the movie's ending left a lot to be desired and I hoped that the book would have a much clearer or better ending and I can defiantly say I was disappointed. The book's ending left me even more confused but enough of that.

The book itself was very difficult to read because of it's narrative choice and lengthy descriptions of unsalvageable characters. But I think this worked as a temporary charm that kept me going, these despicable characters. It wasn't even an anticipation of what I'd already seen in the movie; it just felt dragged.

Overall, I just did not enjoy the writing to the point of having to stop reading it only to pick it up later because I could not leave it unfinished.
The Second Shepherd's Play by Wakefield Master

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Quoting a peer of mine: "They took us to church."
Machinal by Sophie Treadwell

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The overload of stage directions and author's notes made it so difficult to pick up but once the fast-paced language clicked, it was hard to not finish it. Dark themes are hidden underneath the clipped dialogue and monologues.