zanybibliophile's reviews
290 reviews

Caraval by Stephanie Garber

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I really enjoyed reading Caraval. The story line was interesting and mysterious, which I loved, and the setting of Caraval sounds magical. I like it so much I have added it to my favourites shelf/list.
One big drawback was the characters; despite loving the story, I did not really like any of the Caraval characters. It is not that they were poorly written, I just did not like how the handled situations, how they treated each other, and so on. I hope that the second book will help me like these characters more than I currently do.
The Beauty and the Beast by Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve

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I love the original story of The Beauty and the Beast and, while quite different to the story we all know from the movies, I found both the story and the illustrations in this particular edition to be magical and enchanting. I cannot imagine owning any other edition!
Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde

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This book was amazing to read! Our two main characters are geeky fangirls that get the opportunity to go to SupaCon. Both have their issues to deal with, but that is actually what made the book so great. All of us have our own struggles but this is a book that says it is okay to have flaws and insecurities, which I think is actually a wonderful message. I also loved the nerdy references scattered throughout, makes it feel like the book was written for me. In my opinion, it was pretty well written and has a mostly believable storyline. Definitely a new favourite book for me.
A Dog's Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron

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Oh my goshlings! This one is a tear jerker or, if you are like me, it will possibly start a flood of tears. I absolutely loved this books, even if it repeatedly broke my heart. I felt it was beautifully written and well thought out. I also like the connection between each dog/life and how everything learned in the past life/lives all influence the future ones.
Definitely recommend this book but I suggest it be read with tissues on hand.
Valentine by Jodi McAlister

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This was an okay read but I would be pushing it to call it good. It all felt very random and very little was fully explained.
The first half of the book was like a poorly executed crime cross YA novel and the entire book was filled with 'but that is so cliche' remarks that trying to go against cliches became annoying. There were parts where I thought it would finally start adding up and making sense, but then more crazy just got added in.
I will read the next book, which I hope will tidy up this story, but I am not holding my hope too high. That may sound cruel but this book only just earned the third star because there is potential for this story and I am curious to see where it goes.
If I Stay by Gayle Forman

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I liked the storyline, although I was not overly keen on the layout. Some chapters were a well-placed break from the sadness, but others felt to me like an unnecessary filler that just took away from the moment. I also was not overly keen on the ending, but that is personal preference to how I wish the story had ended. The way it was written was rather lovely. If I Stay is a good book that made me appreciate my life and my family.
Where She Went by Gayle Forman

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I liked this book more than the first in some ways, but I felt it was a little too slow. I like that the story is from Adam's POV this time as it gives us a different look at the story, even if it is set years after the events that took place in If I Stay. I liked the split tense a little more in this book as the flash backs felt more relevant to the 'present' story, but they were still not done in a way that I enjoyed. Still, a simple read that made me think about those indirectly affected by an event, which is something I often forget about.
I Was Here by Gayle Forman

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I Was Here with an email from Meg, the girl who took her own life, that had been sent on a time delay to explain what she had done. After that, the story follows Cody and her difficult process dealing with her best friends suicide. There were quite a few characters representing different emotions people often feel about or towards those who commit suicide. Confusion, guilt, anger, disbelief and that weird one where it isn't really clear what you are feeling were all present in either Cody, one of Meg's roommates or Ben, Meg's 'friend' who didn't act like one. I liked that it explored how difficult it is for those left behind and attempted to shed some light on how and what pushes a person to take their own life.
I liked how this book was written although there were parts that could have used some improvement in my opinion. I think it is worth the read, but I do advise caution to anyone who has been suicidal or knows someone who has taken their life. It definitely stirred up a few buried emotions in me.
Dividing Eden by Joelle Charbonneau

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I am going to start by saying that I want to read the second book before I make any final judgements on this book but, for now, all I have is this book. It was odd. Good, but odd. It took reading half of the book before I got a somewhat clear idea of what was going on and that only revieled how crazy the situation was. Assassinations, druggings, the need for disguises to talk to friends - all of it seemed crazy yet essential to the plot.
Clarys and Andreus are odd little characters and they seem to be surrounded by weird, manipulative characters that wish to only use the royal twins as pawns in a game. I feel like I was lied to for 318 pages by both the prince and princess as nothing seems to add up. I am hoping this will be cleared up in the second book and I am interested to see where the story goes.
Freeks by Amanda Hocking

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I really liked this book - a bit of mystery, a bit of paranormality, a bit of YA romance and a pretty decent plot. I must admit, it was the cover that first attracted me to this book, but the story within was a nice read. I liked that it was set in 1987 before mobile phones and computers could interfere with the story. I also liked most of the characters, including Mara and Gabe, and the simple format it was printed in, including the tarot cards separating each day. I just felt there was a little something extra that could have been added to improve this book and possibly earn it a 5th star from me.