zeeni's reviews
24 reviews

My Soul to Keep by Tananarive Due

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This book is utterly captivating and takes quite a lot out of you sometimes. I enjoyed every minute of reading this book and often struggled to put it down. A very good choice if you are into sci-fi. There's so many plot twists and I was kept on my toes the entire time. All of the deaths and character development sent me into shock every single time, it's probably not the best book to read at work if you tend to be very expressive while reading lol. It is a great start to a series and will leave you wanting more and more.
The Living Blood by Tananarive Due

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Thankfully the series is not any less interesting going into the second book! Some of the new characters I was less drawn too and took a little extra effort to read through but even their stories and pov’s ended up fun to read and intriguing.