zeuxine's reviews
162 reviews

The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden

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Not the type of book I would normally read…but since I loved winternight trilogy I had to buy it. I’m glad I did !! I just love the way she writes and the imagery she invokes..
Siren Queen by Nghi Vo

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 36%.
I was a little too confused and as a result I did not care 
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne

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What the f I wanted to read about them going to her parent’s strawberry farm !
Babel by R.F. Kuang

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I have a lot to say and I feel like it won’t make sense but anyway. 

I enjoyed this more than I thought I would! I will say it is rather like reading a textbook sometimes and if you aren’t interested in the subject (language, colonialism) you won’t enjoy it probably. Idk at the end I really sympathized with robin bc it (empire etc) all does feel quite hopeless sometimes doesn’t it. I think I have to sit with it a little more bc is violence the answer….yes and no…I don’t think Kuang really knows either… 

Although I can see why some ppl would hate it lol
My Roommate Is a Vampire by Jenna Levine

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VERY stupid. Some lol moments tho.