zoelzebub's reviews
48 reviews

This Thing Between Us by Gus Moreno

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Oh man I loved this book for so many reasons.

If not just for how well grief is written and explained in this book. I found myself in tears a few times, not being much of a crier. I loved Thiago immediately through his honesty and hurt regarding the loss of his wife. My heart broke for him. It broke for Vera’s mom, and everyone else. This portrayal of grief and loss holds heavy throughout the entire book.

The haunting is off the charts amazing. It’s starts with a background of what he’d been experiencing and quickly picks up. Once he finds himself sequestered to an isolated cabin in Colorado by his own doing, book really takes a turn for the bleak. It becomes increasingly fast paced and just spirals into a fever dream of personal horror.

This book can and does get confusing. There’s even still some questions I had at the end. But overall Thiago is deeply human and does what I think anyone else would. I’ve seen a lot of frustration over how Thiago handles the horror that’s given to him. But what would you do?

This book left me in tears on multiple occasions. It hurt me how well written Thiago as a character was. He became a very real and loved person to me.

I chewed this one sitting as I really couldn’t put it down. Not to mention, the second person narrative just pulls you in and sits you down. I felt I had no choice but to be personally invested.
A Short Stay in Hell by Steven L. Peck

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My only complaint is that it wasn’t longer. But truth be told, it didn’t need to be.

Shortest book I’ve read, but longest I’ve ever thought about a book after reading.

Phenomenally done.