zoelzebub's reviews
48 reviews

Anathema by Keri Lake

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So I actually was going to give this 4 stars but couldn’t do it. Here’s why…

Part one was a DRAG for me. And I hate to say it. I’m unsure why I struggled so much to get through it. I typically will read a 700 page book in 2 days. I devour books. But it took me 2 weeks to get through the first part.

Part of this might’ve been user error though. I was in a book hangover after reading a 9 book series.. I also didn’t realize this would be a duology.

Even with my struggles - I persisted because I genuinely love Keri Lakes books (Nocticadia lives in my head rent free even months after reading) I had to give it a shot and refused to DNF even if it hurt me. Especially knowing this is one of Keri Lakes first “high fantasy” type books.

But the SECOND part 2 hit, I devoured this book. It was SO GOOD. The world building game together, the characters came together, the plot is intriguing, the horror aspects are off the charts badass and so much fun to read.

My only complaint, is that while this is a “slow burn” it’s because the MC’s don’t really interact each other until part 2. Then it feels like their romance evolves quickly and it loses the slow burn vibe I love so much. But it’s not enough to make me want to knock a star off the rating because I still find myself obsessed with the MC’s relationship.

As soon as I finished this book, I knew it was a 5 stars for me simply because of how mad I was the second book wasn’t ready for me to download. I’m so excited to see the second half of this story.

Keri Lake, I’m sorry I doubted you. Never again.
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