Reading Wrap-Up

thegrandnarrative finished reading 66 books, across 20,211 pages!

thegrandnarrative's 2023 StoryGraph

A mood map of thegrandnarrative's reading

Lighter books push the line up and darker books pull the line down


thegrandnarrative pondered thought-provoking themes, rode a rollercoaster of emotions, and absorbed valuable insights.

And most of the stories developed at a steady pace.

Books and pages read per month in 2023

Line chart showing books and pages read each month in 2023. The data for books read per year are as follows: January - 8 books, February - 1 book, March - 5 books, April - 8 books, May - 5 books, June - 6 books, July - 4 books, August - 9 books, September - 6 books, October - 7 books, November - 4 books, December - 3 books. The data for pages read per year are as follows: January - 2503 pages, February - 485 pages, March - 1621 pages, April - 2069 pages, May - 1354 pages, June - 1862 pages, July - 1024 pages, August - 2777 pages, September - 1758 pages, October - 2504 pages, November - 1338 pages, December - 916 pages.

The genres thegrandnarrative spent the most time with in 2023

Longest book
576 pages

The average length of the books thegrandnarrative read was 306 pages and it took them around 7 days to finish each book!

Most time spent
29 days

The authors thegrandnarrative spent the most time with in 2023


2023's average rating was...


2023 5reads

thegrandnarrative's 2023 ratings


Some months were better than others...

Highest average rating

Turns out February wasn't thegrandnarrative's favorite month, with an average rating of 3.0.

Most pages read
2777 pages

Other StoryGraph users and thegrandnarrative's 2023 reads

Most shelved
357,536 users
thegrandnarrative's rating: 4.0
Least shelved
2 users
thegrandnarrative's rating: 1.5
Highest rated
thegrandnarrative's rating: 5.0

thegrandnarrative explored the works of 62 new authors, including Jojo Moyes, Randall Munroe, and Anthony Bourdain!

9 of the books thegrandnarrative read were part of a series.

It was only new stories and ideas for thegrandnarrative this year. No rereads!

thegrandnarrative finished all of the books they picked up this year — no DNFs!

2023 at a glance

Explore thegrandnarrative's 2023 stats!