Reading Wrap-Up

valeehill finished reading 227 books, across 51,393 pages and 700.6 hours!

Last book
Rock Me by Cherrie Lynn

Rock Me

valeehill's 2023 StoryGraph

A mood map of valeehill's reading

Lighter books push the line up and darker books pull the line down


valeehill rode a rollercoaster of emotions, unraveled intricate mysteries, and enjoyed some lighthearted fun.

And most of the stories developed at a steady pace.

Books, pages, and minutes per month in 2023

Line chart showing books, pages read, and minutes listened to each month in 2023. The data for books read per month are as follows: January - 25 books, February - 5 books, March - 24 books, April - 15 books, May - 19 books, June - 14 books, July - 14 books, August - 24 books, September - 26 books, October - 19 books, November - 18 books, December - 24 books. The data for pages read per month are as follows: January - 3047 pages, February - 1506 pages, March - 5046 pages, April - 6106 pages, May - 7413 pages, June - 4388 pages, July - 4367 pages, August - 4984 pages, September - 3072 pages, October - 2399 pages, November - 3752 pages, December - 5313 pages. The data for minutes listened per month are as follows: January - 7179 minutes, February - 0 minutes, March - 5350 minutes, April - 1919 minutes, May - 536 minutes, June - 0 minutes, July - 2108 minutes, August - 4588 minutes, September - 8677 minutes, October - 4788 minutes, November - 3357 minutes, December - 3534 minutes.

🥳 🥳 🥳

valeehill met their reading goal!


The genres valeehill spent the most time with in 2023


The average length of the books valeehill read was 350 pages and it took them around 2 days to finish each book!

The authors valeehill spent the most time with in 2023


valeehill was part of 2 completed buddy reads.

So, 1% of their 2023 reading was shared with friends! 😊

2023's average rating was...


Looks like they know how to pick them!

2023 5reads

valeehill's 2023 ratings


Some months were better than others...

Highest average rating

Turns out February wasn't valeehill's favorite month, with an average rating of 3.6.


Most pages read
7413 pages

Other StoryGraph users and valeehill's 2023 reads

Most shelved
236,543 users
valeehill's rating: 4.5
Least shelved
3 users
valeehill's rating: 4.0
Highest rated
valeehill's rating: 4.0

valeehill explored the works of 14 new authors, including Meg Shaffer, Amy Lea, and Kerrigan Byrne!

181 of the books valeehill read were part of a series.

valeehill revisited a total of 115 books this year.

valeehill decided not to finish 12 of the books they picked up this year.

valeehill read 136 books from their own shelves this year!

2023 at a glance

Explore valeehill's 2023 stats!