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Reading Wrap-Up
butyougotmysoul finished reading 72 books, across 23,099 pages and 67.97 hours!
butyougotmysoul's 2024 StoryGraph
A mood map of butyougotmysoul's reading
Lighter books push the line up and darker books pull the line down
butyougotmysoul set off on thrilling quests, explored the shadows of the human psyche, and followed cryptic trails of secrets.
The narratives flowed at a comfortable, engaging tempo.
Books, pages, and minutes per month in 2024
Line chart showing books, pages read, and minutes listened to each month in 2024. The data for books read per month are as follows: January - 6 books, February - 7 books, March - 6 books, April - 4 books, May - 11 books, June - 4 books, July - 4 books, August - 3 books, September - 3 books, October - 9 books, November - 8 books, December - 7 books. The data for pages read per month are as follows: January - 2217 pages, February - 2159 pages, March - 2428 pages, April - 1705 pages, May - 2717 pages, June - 611 pages, July - 959 pages, August - 1158 pages, September - 1245 pages, October - 3270 pages, November - 2569 pages, December - 2061 pages. The data for minutes listened per month are as follows: January - 0 minutes, February - 330 minutes, March - 312 minutes, April - 222 minutes, May - 551 minutes, June - 0 minutes, July - 0 minutes, August - 0 minutes, September - 0 minutes, October - 356 minutes, November - 0 minutes, December - 2307 minutes.👏 👏 👏
butyougotmysoul met their pages goal!
The genres butyougotmysoul spent the most time with in 2024
18 hours, 14 minutes
21 pages
The average length of the books butyougotmysoul read was 339 pages and it took them around 18 days to finish each book!
1 day
538 days
The authors butyougotmysoul spent the most time with in 2024
2024's average rating was...
2024 5
butyougotmysoul's 2024 ratings
Some months were better than others...
Turns out July wasn't butyougotmysoul's favorite month, with an average rating of 2.44.
3270 pages
Other StoryGraph users and butyougotmysoul's 2024 reads
284,559 users
butyougotmysoul's rating: 5.0
110 users
butyougotmysoul's rating: 5.0
butyougotmysoul's rating: 4.0
butyougotmysoul explored the works of 30 new authors, including Paul Tremblay, Julian Fellowes, and Judy I. Lin!
44 of the books butyougotmysoul read were part of a series.
butyougotmysoul revisited a total of 2 books this year.
butyougotmysoul decided not to finish 5 of the books they picked up this year.
2024 at a glance
Explore butyougotmysoul's 2024 stats!