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Reading Wrap-Up
robertpjones finished reading 63 books, across 19,724 pages!
robertpjones's 2024 StoryGraph
A mood map of robertpjones's reading
Lighter books push the line up and darker books pull the line down
robertpjones engaged in introspective musings, uncovered a wealth of knowledge, and grappled with profound concepts.
The tales gently unfurled, inviting savoring and reflection.
Books and pages read per month in 2024
Line chart showing books and pages read each month in 2024. The data for books read per year are as follows: January - 1 book, February - 7 books, March - 5 books, April - 9 books, May - 5 books, June - 5 books, July - 5 books, August - 5 books, September - 3 books, October - 3 books, November - 3 books, December - 12 books. The data for pages read per year are as follows: January - 336 pages, February - 1910 pages, March - 1992 pages, April - 2780 pages, May - 1378 pages, June - 1607 pages, July - 1732 pages, August - 1771 pages, September - 703 pages, October - 1201 pages, November - 1056 pages, December - 3258 pages.🥳 🥳 🥳
robertpjones met their reading goal!
The genres robertpjones spent the most time with in 2024
586 pages
81 pages
The average length of the books robertpjones read was 313 pages and it took them around 721 days to finish each book!
721 days
721 days
The authors robertpjones spent the most time with in 2024
2024's average rating was...
2024 5
robertpjones's 2024 ratings
Some months were better than others...
Turns out November wasn't robertpjones's favorite month, with an average rating of 3.0.
3258 pages
Other StoryGraph users and robertpjones's 2024 reads
582,905 users
robertpjones's rating: 3.0
3 users
robertpjones's rating: 3.0
robertpjones's rating: 5.0
robertpjones explored the works of 57 new authors, including Liam Callanan, Charles Marsh, and David McCullough!
6 of the books robertpjones read were part of a series.
robertpjones revisited a total of 3 books this year.
2024 at a glance
Explore robertpjones's 2024 stats!