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Brain Filling by Authors A-to-Z

Hosted by 0bergine

Fighting against complacency by challenging my brain with interesting books on a variety of topics, fiction and nonfiction, with authors of all nationalities, backgrounds and self identifications. 

13 prompts | 0 participants | 0 books added

Every Year of the 19th Century

Hosted by ionm

 For each year, the list must include only books which feature texts originally published in that particular year. The 19th century began on 1 January 1801, and ended on 31 December 1900. 

100 prompts | 1 participant | 1 book added

Pride 2024 Reading challenge

Hosted by booklover444

This is mostly to keep myself accountable and read books off of my TBR before going to the library or bookstore this month. Please remember to add books by queer authors as a way to amplify their voices and stories. Feel free to join along :)

7 prompts | 2 participants | 7 books added

Summer Reading Challenge

Hosted by agameofbooksblog

Made this to keep track of my library’s summer reading prompts. Join in if you want. 

39 prompts | 1 participant | 3 books added

The Ohio State University Summer Reading Bingo Challenge 2024

Hosted by renthemagain

A summer reading challenge hosted by the Alumni Association at THE Ohio State University. This is just a fun way to track if you're playing the official challenge with OSU or unofficially participating by giving yourself a fun challenge. Listed...

24 prompts | 2 participants | 18 books added